I'm feeling fat and sassy!

Apart from TONMO–The Octopus News Magazine Online–I have been unable to find ecological organizations that take donations via PayPal. Sure, I could give my credit card number to Greenpeace, but I don’t have my VISA number memorized like I do the PayPal website address.

BUT! I am linking a new website for your entertainment and education: badscience.net. Dr Ben Goldacre writes for the Guardian in the UK and there is a host of fabulous articles debunking bad science and slyly commenting on the media’s spurious representations of science. Just one small example that had me chuckling was in the “Least Plausible Cosmetic Claim” of the 2004 Bad Science Awards :

…the winner was a hair-straightening treatment by Bioionic, called Ionic Hair Retexturizing: “Water molecules are broken down to a fraction of their previous size … diminutive enough to penetrate through the cuticle, and eventually into the core of each hair”. Shrinking molecules caused some concern among the physicists at the ceremony, since IHR was available just 200 yards away, and the only other groups who have managed to create superdense quark-gluon plasma used a relativistic heavy ion collider.

Do a search for tin foil hats for more hilarious revelations.

This morning I had unsettling dreams about being in arguments with my parents, and then writing a Thickets song that either quoted or related to Moby Dick.

Superman dream!

I had a dream this morning that there was a new Superman movie that I was watching. Superman was also the president and he had some kind of cybernetic arm. The movie started out with Superman chained down and this house-sized chunk of kryptonite suspended over his head while the vice-president ­ traitor!!!- monologued to him. After the VP left, Superman managed to through sheer strength of will bust out of his chains ­ but the effort and the kryptonite left his skin scarred as if it was burned. There was other stuff too ­ he was in a car wearing a hat and sunglasses trying to decide what to do…basically it turned into a revenge and redemption story. Superman was played by Bruce Willis.

Cruise Ship of Damned

I had a dream this morning that a comet passed near to Earth and turned everyone into zombies – not the undead brain-eating zombies, but just imbeciles who would try to rip apart anyone who wasn’t wandering around in circles going “googa bugga urgga.” Some people weren’t affected, and it was very difficult for me to find others like me. I couldn’t just yell out “hello! Any non-zombies around?” because the zombies wouldn’t like that, and they were everywhere! In fact I think the bulk of the dream took place on a cruise ship.

Mo' News is Good News

I had a dream this morning that I met too girls named Toreen and Torine (rhymes with ‘more wine’) and we decided to be friends. We passed a badminton court and I was all excited about playing. I also dreamt that I was taking care of Bubbles indefinitely. Bubbles is the german shepherd of my neighbor Janine who moved away to Ontario.

On to old news:

Russia offered to send a rich person to orbit the moon in exchange for $100 million.
The Senate passed the Support Our Scouts Act of 2005, guaranteeing the Boy Scouts the right to use federal land whether the organization discriminates against atheists and gays or not.
In California, a scoutmaster and a thirteen-year-old scout were killed by lightning.

The Bush Administration started referring to the War on Terror as “the global struggle against violent extremism”

A huge patch of ice was discovered on Mars,[BBC News] and an object possibly larger than Pluto was discovered beyond the orbit of Neptune.

A homeless man in Nashville, Tennessee, confessed to strangling two other homeless men. “I got addicted,” he explained, “to sucking the souls out of people.” A Florida man pleaded guilty to beating his wife to death because she wanted to cuddle after sex, In Los Angeles, cocaine was found in the bloodstream of a toddler who died when her father used her as a shield in a shootout with police. A seventy-eight-year-old Georgia woman, angry that her eighty-five-year-old ex-boyfriend was cheating on her, shot and killed him with an antique handgun. “I’d do it again,” she said.
Peter Schoomaker, the Army’s top general, revealed that the United States was developing a plan to keep at least 100,000 soldiers in Iraq through 2009.

A Cambodian man found his mother after being separated from her for thirty years, then learned that she was also the mother of his wife. Kansas police took away, then returned, the left foot of an amputee named Ezekiel Rubottom, who had been keeping his foot in a bucket on a friend’s porch. “It’s all good,” said Rubottom. [Wow! I didn’t think being an amputee was good.]
British zoo authorities sent a parrot into seclusion after the bird told two policemen, a mayor, and a vicar to fuck off.
A man in Yorkshire, England, filmed his own suicide on his mobile phone and beamed it to his girlfriend
A surprising number of dogs were jumping to their deaths from a bridge in Milton, Scotland, but no one knew why. “Everything dogs do is for a reason,” said a perplexed animal behaviorist. “They’re not stupid like we are.” [And they eat their own poo]

Scientists found that the male human brain has to work harder to listen to women than to listen to men.
A study found that the worldwide percentage of land stricken by drought has doubled within the last 30 years.
Police in New Hampshire found 10 stolen Segway scooters in a garage; apparently the thieves had been unable to sell them.
A study found that 1 in 25 fathers was unknowingly raising another man’s child, a situation referred to as “paternal discrepancy,”
A South Korean man played video games for 50 straight hours, then died.
Victoria Beckham, also known as Posh Spice, said that she had never read a book in her life, although she had written a 528-page autobiography.
Canada was considering sanctions against the United States after it refused to comply with a NAFTA ruling in favor of the Canadian lumber industry. In Victoria, Canada, methamphetamine addicts were stealing large numbers of bicycles because disassembling the bikes soothes them while they tweak.

Wednesday is a whole new day.

One thing I forgot to mention about my bike ride with Marlo on the weekend is that we stopped into the SPCA to look at cats, just for fun. There were definitely some cuties there. But, Kodos is still my favourite soft furry funny retarded noisy cat. For now.

This morning I had a dream that I was back in high school, but I was an extrovert instead of an introvert, without any of my inhibitions. So much that I just sang and danced as I walked down the halls, and the teachers hated me. And if I liked a girl, I swept her off her feet instead of keeping it to myself like I actually did. So that was a fun dream.

Last night Graeme and Marlo and Geisel and Geoff came over and after watching a bit of Eddie Izzard ‘Dress to Kill’ we played Heroquest and everyone died. The quest specifically said “work together” but they refused and they got there just desserts with whip topping and a cherry. Then I took photos for my zombie vs S.W.A.T. painting, which will be fun.

Why do they call them bylaws?

This morning I dreamt that I had an apartment in Chilliwack as well as Vancouver and I used a biplane to get back and forth.

Two crows attacked a jogger in London, drawing blood.
In the Solomon Islands a hermit who had lived in a cave for forty years decided to return to his village after his fire went out.
A study showed that the world military budget was about $1,035,000,000,000 in 2004; the United States accounted for nearly half of that.[Washington Post]
Body parts, including a leg and part of a spine, fell from a plane approaching JFK International Airport in New York City. The parts came from a stowaway who had hidden himself in the plane’s wheel well.
Body parts, including a leg and part of a spine, fell from a plane approaching JFK International Airport in New York City. The parts came from a stowaway who had hidden himself in the plane’s wheel well.
Researchers found that one in five women would consider having their breasts removed if it reduced their odds of contracting cancer,[Reuters] that babies are soothed by suckling the nipples of men,[Times Online] and that 99 percent of women are against comb-overs.
In Augsburg, Germany, zoo officials were being criticized for a planned attraction that will show elephants and rhinos in their “natural environment” by surrounding them with black men in grass skirts.[The Scotsman]
Two women were upset when they visited a Houston mausoleum and found that the cremated remains of their mother had been replaced by a can of sour-cream-and-onion potato chips.
Plastic surgery on women’s genitalia was becoming more popular; surgeons reported that they were keeping busy plumping outer labias, tightening vaginas, and restoring hymens.
Scientists studying the Devils Hole pupfish, of which only 180 remain, accidentally killed eighty of them.[Live Science]
British pranksters kidnapped a Dalek from Wookey Hole Caves.[BBC News]
Disney digitally reduced the size of Lindsay Lohan’s breasts to make a film called Herbie: Fully Loaded less offensive.

Drawing and staying out of the sun.

My weekend was spent mostly working. I’m under tight deadlines for a couple of art projects and I’ve spent 6 of the past 7 days at the drawing board. Today I finally got the last of the two full page drawings for Freeport Trilogy Revised (3.5) in, so now it’s back on to the monsters for Iron Crown’s CYRADON rpg.

I did manage to get some exercise on Saturday in the form of a bike ride. Marlo and I rode to the place near commercial which sells a million and one ice cream flavours including garlic, ginger, pear blue cheese gorgonzola and wasabi. They had both tiger stripe AND licorice flavours, but I went with the ginger since I’ve never had it before. I could spend an afternoon there just sampling all the different flavours. They’ve got little tiny sampling spoons and I think they’re filling a lot of landfill with those l’il bastards. Also I had my first trip to Uprising Breads which was fantastic, and cheap.

This coming weekend I’m planning on going to Chilliwack to visit Chris & Angie, and also to practice with the band. It’s always frustrating to try to plan things with the band because, besides the challenge of trying to line up 6 people’s schedules (people who live in 3 difference cities), it’s rare for emails and phone calls to be returned. I hate using the phone, and three of the band members don’t have or don’t use email, if you can imagine such a thing. So I text messaged Merrick on his phone to arrange a practice this weekend and let me know what day. That will dictate when Marlo and I go out to the wack. Mario – one of our guitarists and the guy with the jam space in his house behind an RV lot – says Saturdays are out for practice because his other band practices that day, but that doesn’t mean we won’t be in Chilliwack on Saturday. We could still practice Friday night, or Sunday some time, or Monday afternoon, I’m hoping.

This morning I had a dream that I was at work with no pants or underwear…yes indeed I did. The warehouse was outside – that is to say there were no walls or ceiling, and it started to rain. Taylor knew that we had pyjamas in stock so I grabbed a package and put the pyjama bottoms on, but my naked legs were wet from the rain and I had a hard time getting them on.

The Summer of 2005.

Well summer is here, and I’m getting friction rashes in hard to reach places from working at the warehouse. The sunny days are way too hot. After work today I just wanted to crawl into a hole…a cool hole…but I had D&D to get ready for.

I am on a new diet. On this new diet I am cutting down on carbs, fat, and most importantly, sugar. The special terms of the diet is that I can eat all the junk food I want as long as I don’t buy it. So far this week has been pretty good as one of the guys at work had a kid and brought in a bunch of Indian sweets, and the next day we had a company BBQ involving donuts, chips, ice cream, pop, and hot dogs. Then tonight Kelly brought her chocolates as usual.

I’ve been having lots of weird dreams lately. Dreams about being an invisible Caesar, dreams about killing a hoodlum who stabbed my brother, dreams about giant dandruff flakes and sex with girls at work, and annoying dreams involving my parents. I haven’t been sleeping well lately, either, and I got in shit for being late for work yesterday. Sometimes I wish I were fired but I know that’s unwise.

But the good news is that I’ve been seeing lots of movies lately and tomorrow I’m seeing Serenity, which I’m pretty sure will be awesome, if it’s even only one step up from the series.

Also Geisel will be running a D&D session next week in which I get to play for a change (instead of DMing), and I’m really looking forward to it. After that we might play some Call of Cthulhu, and I’ll also be adapting a CoC adventure to the SSZ mod, which Stewie calls “E.I.” and is kind of a Kolchack meets Ghostbusters meets Buffy meets X-Files meets…I don’t know what.

The most horrific thing I've ever seen was on the internet

This other day I had a dream that I was watching the news and they were reporting on this cult that committed mass suicide by poisoning themselves. The anchor warned that the scene would be graphic, and then they showed one of the guys take a pill or whatever and then start screaming “No! No!” and making gutteral noises and writhing around in pain. Finally he was in so much agony that he started digging into his own stomach with his hands and ripping out his innards, all the while screaming horrifically. It was pretty gross!

It reminded me of the most disturbing thing I’ve ever seen, in all seriousness, which I will tell you about now, if you’re not faint of heart.

Seriously – this is disturbing even to read about, so if you don’t want to read about real life horrific death, do not continue.

I watched a video (on the internet, of course) that showed some Russians (Chechnian rebels or something – I don’t really know. I don’t really know how to spell Chechnian either). Okay screw sentence structure. These two guys (plus the cameraman I must infer) had another guy held at gun point on the top of this little hillock, and they were saying some stuff into the camera and to this guy who looked like he had pissed his pants several times over. They took a big knife and stuck it into the side of this poor guy’s throat and then started sawing towards the front – wow I’m having trouble even finishing this sentence. You could hear him groaning or yelling but it just turned into a gurgling noise as they cut through all the voice stuff and right through to the front, and then sawed off the rest of the flesh and bone at the back. It was really really awful. It didn’t help that something about my video/sound card has always been screwed up since I got my computer so that it played in slow motion for extra creepy effect.

That in turn reminds me that my brother was first on the scene of a murder, which I won’t go into details on the internet, but somebody was shot in the head point blank, as I recall, and the murderer was semi-conscious right next to her. What a mess. Ah, the human race.

I've been reading too many D&D monster books

I had this pretty cool dream last night that I was a wizard, and this powerful hellish creature from another plane of existence came into our world to kill me. I sent dozens of monstrous allies to wear it down and so I could keep my distance while I prepared my final spell (we were all flying around as this was happening). Finally when the fiend defeated my last ally I cast my banishment spell and the thing returned to whatever dark place from which it sprung.

So let that be a warning to the rest of you.