My weekend was spent mostly working. I’m under tight deadlines for a couple of art projects and I’ve spent 6 of the past 7 days at the drawing board. Today I finally got the last of the two full page drawings for Freeport Trilogy Revised (3.5) in, so now it’s back on to the monsters for Iron Crown’s CYRADON rpg.
I did manage to get some exercise on Saturday in the form of a bike ride. Marlo and I rode to the place near commercial which sells a million and one ice cream flavours including garlic, ginger, pear blue cheese gorgonzola and wasabi. They had both tiger stripe AND licorice flavours, but I went with the ginger since I’ve never had it before. I could spend an afternoon there just sampling all the different flavours. They’ve got little tiny sampling spoons and I think they’re filling a lot of landfill with those l’il bastards. Also I had my first trip to Uprising Breads which was fantastic, and cheap.
This coming weekend I’m planning on going to Chilliwack to visit Chris & Angie, and also to practice with the band. It’s always frustrating to try to plan things with the band because, besides the challenge of trying to line up 6 people’s schedules (people who live in 3 difference cities), it’s rare for emails and phone calls to be returned. I hate using the phone, and three of the band members don’t have or don’t use email, if you can imagine such a thing. So I text messaged Merrick on his phone to arrange a practice this weekend and let me know what day. That will dictate when Marlo and I go out to the wack. Mario – one of our guitarists and the guy with the jam space in his house behind an RV lot – says Saturdays are out for practice because his other band practices that day, but that doesn’t mean we won’t be in Chilliwack on Saturday. We could still practice Friday night, or Sunday some time, or Monday afternoon, I’m hoping.
This morning I had a dream that I was at work with no pants or underwear…yes indeed I did. The warehouse was outside – that is to say there were no walls or ceiling, and it started to rain. Taylor knew that we had pyjamas in stock so I grabbed a package and put the pyjama bottoms on, but my naked legs were wet from the rain and I had a hard time getting them on.
I think we’re playing Prey on Monday evening, aren’t we?
“This morning I had a dream that I was at work with no pants or underwear yes indeed I did. The warehouse was outside – that is to say there were no walls or ceiling, and it started to rain. Taylor knew that we had pyjamas in stock so I grabbed a package and put the pyjama bottoms on, but my naked legs were wet from the rain and I had a hard time getting them on.”
So you had a little chilly wacker? 🙂