Why do they call them bylaws?

This morning I dreamt that I had an apartment in Chilliwack as well as Vancouver and I used a biplane to get back and forth.

Two crows attacked a jogger in London, drawing blood.
In the Solomon Islands a hermit who had lived in a cave for forty years decided to return to his village after his fire went out.
A study showed that the world military budget was about $1,035,000,000,000 in 2004; the United States accounted for nearly half of that.[Washington Post]
Body parts, including a leg and part of a spine, fell from a plane approaching JFK International Airport in New York City. The parts came from a stowaway who had hidden himself in the plane’s wheel well.
Body parts, including a leg and part of a spine, fell from a plane approaching JFK International Airport in New York City. The parts came from a stowaway who had hidden himself in the plane’s wheel well.
Researchers found that one in five women would consider having their breasts removed if it reduced their odds of contracting cancer,[Reuters] that babies are soothed by suckling the nipples of men,[Times Online] and that 99 percent of women are against comb-overs.
In Augsburg, Germany, zoo officials were being criticized for a planned attraction that will show elephants and rhinos in their “natural environment” by surrounding them with black men in grass skirts.[The Scotsman]
Two women were upset when they visited a Houston mausoleum and found that the cremated remains of their mother had been replaced by a can of sour-cream-and-onion potato chips.
Plastic surgery on women’s genitalia was becoming more popular; surgeons reported that they were keeping busy plumping outer labias, tightening vaginas, and restoring hymens.
Scientists studying the Devils Hole pupfish, of which only 180 remain, accidentally killed eighty of them.[Live Science]
British pranksters kidnapped a Dalek from Wookey Hole Caves.[BBC News]
Disney digitally reduced the size of Lindsay Lohan’s breasts to make a film called Herbie: Fully Loaded less offensive.

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