Scannor is back

Alright, Joe has leant me his scanner for the time being so I’m back in bidnith.
I went to free comic day as threatened, and I spoke with Diana Greenhalgh who is an inker for a comic book called Victoria’s Secret Service and who lives in White Rock. She was very helpful. I got some tips on paper and other artist tools. So now when I get a new scanner it’s going to have to be bigger.

I also played some Burn Out 3, a street racing video game where your car is pretty much indestructible as long as you hit cars smaller than a bus from behind or the side. It’s pretty wacky but I can see the draw. The kids at Pat’s played it so loud, however, that you couldn’t say anything to the guy next to you without yelling.

And now for your viewing enjoyment, Go-Rilla from the World Wildlife Federation of Justice:


Joe came up with an idea for a WWF character – a duck with the power to cause tremors. His name? Earthquack. I like it.

One Reply to “Scannor is back”

  1. The ‘Earthquack’ pun is so bad you may be sentenced to ten years worth of atomic wedgies to be applied retroactively starting 5 years ago.

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