Friday Fun!

Tonight I am cleaning up the apartment. Oh my goodness am I ever! Holy smokes. LOOK OUT.

It always makes me chuckle when you can hear the person on the other end of the phone having trouble hanging up. Even better is when you answer the phone and they’ve got it on speaker so they can do whatever while they’re on hold, and then when you say “hello yadda…” they accidentally disconnect the phone while they’re fumbling to pick up. The very best was yesterday when the call was over, and I heard the other guy say “how do I hang up on this thing?” which I myself have done on others’ smell phones.

So remember how I posted about “There is No Such Website” a little bit ago? Well, if you haven’t already played them all, I thought I’d sift through and pick out my favourite real websites. And here they are:

For Chris: Project Denny’s Project: Monobrow

Stare down Sally

DVD Rewinder Yes, you read right.

Center for the Prevention of Shopping Cart Abuse is lots of fun

Mosaic portraits made from different shades of toast including Dame Edna

Christmas letters to Christopher Walken. Real or not, hilarious.

The Amish website (geocities, of course!)

This one’s for Marlo – celebrities yawning!

plus a little known character from Star Wars:

and for Stewie, who’s always going on about how actors are tiny –

I just can’t get over this. There is a site for dogs dressed up as bees Now I want to see a site for bees dressed up as dogs. Ouch!

Loinloth site. Pervs.

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