Season 16, 1979, 6 parts, Fourth Doctor (Tom Baker)
The Doctor and Romana land on the planet Atrios and meet Princess Astra, her lover Merak, and The Marshall, the latter of which is war-mad about defeating neighboring planet Zeos in their ages-long war. Secretly Zeos is run by an AI, which is secretly run by a guy in a skull mask (The Shadow – he hates light) who also is secretly advising the Marshall through a black mirror. The Shadow is an agent of the Black Guardian and is hunting for the sixth segment to the Key to Time, which (spoiler) is Princess Astra. K9 is captured by The Shadow and reprogrammed, while Astra is likewise corrupted and transforms herself into the puzzle segment. The Shadow gains entry to the TARDIS while The Doctor is miniaturized by friendly Time Lord Drax (found in the bowels of The Shadow’s space base). The Shadow puts the Time Key together and starts monologuing so The Doctor returns to size, grabs the macguffin and our heroes get away.
The Doctor practically turns to the camera and says the name of the episode out loud, which is always fun. This is the final chapter in the Key of Time story arc which spans the entire 16th season. Overall, a disappointing climax to a fun season. This could easily have been 4 episodes, there’s a lot of chaff in the first 3. It only gets interesting when K9 becomes a servant of The Shadow and The Doctor bumps into Drax. Given how overpowered K9 is as an ally, he should be more of a threat to The Doctor, but he’s defeated easily and stupidly. Also it occurs to me that K9’s eyes are always red, so how can we tell when he’s good or evil? In a rare twist Romana upstages The Doctor when she clues him into the fact that the White Guardian is the evil Black Guardian because he’s unwilling to restore Astra to human form. This leads to the question, was there ever a White Guardian, or was it the Black one all this time?
In 2005 and 2014 I adapted episodes of the 1983 TV series for my gaming group. I’ll tell you how…
If you want an overview of adapting the series check this blog entry – keep in mind that was written for 3rd edition D&D.
Where to start? First, get familiar with the episode
Have your players create human characters that are children from Earth. They could be from the ’80s or they could be from modern times. In the cartoon the ages ranged from 9 to 15, so that’s probably a good range to choose from.
Each kid should have a phobia. For example, fear of crowds, fear of fire, fear of drowning, fear of growing old, fear of germs, fear of thunder and lightning. This will be important if you want to run them through the Quest of the Skeleton Warrior episode.
WHAT ABOUT MOTIVATION? In the tv show, the kids were motivated to get back home. They found the monsters of the Realm to be scary and weird, whereas your players will look forward to slaying evil dragons etc. Check with your players if getting home is a good ‘final quest’ for them, or, if not, figure out what is actively moving them through the story.
NO MURDER HOBOS PLEASE Stress to your players before the first session that all the kids are friends (and/or relatives) who care about each other (even if they may not admit it, like Eric). Decide what your tolerance for ‘lone wolf’ characters are and stress that to the group. Also, while I personally don’t use alignment, I recommend all the PCs be Good for purposes of motivation. In the cartoon the kids defeat, but do not kill, many monsters. Usually they fend off foes and one side or the other runs away. Will your campaign be similar? Will your kids slay some orcs and take their weapons and armor?
THE WEAPONS OF POWER Work with each player to come up with a Weapon of Power. You know the ones from the cartoon, and if you watch the episode The Dragon’s Graveyard you will see some additional ideas. Here are ideas from my players:
A wand that had a random effect (we put together a table of 20 effects, similar to presto’s hat, they were not all particularly helpful and sometimes they were very unhelpful like duplicating a foe). A musical instrument that could cast certain spells. A lump of clay that the character could sculpt into something that would animate. A horn which projected a cone of force and sonic affects.
Other ideas – maybe an amputee who gets a magic gauntlet to go on her missing arm? A mirrored shield or weapon which can temporarily blind foes and perhaps scry? A cloak that can transform the wearer into a woodland creature?
As dungeon Master, you will have to think carefully about the implications of each Weapon of Power and how they could be used to circumvent certain challenges or even entire scenes important to the plot.
ANIMAL COMPANION – YES OR NO? We all remember Uni from the cartoon, and usually not with fondness. But if you want a creature in the party this can be memorable and help with player motivation. Remember Freddy the dog from the episode The Girl Who Dreamed Tomorrow? When you want the players to go somewhere, having the beloved pet run in that direction helps.
On the other hand, one of my players wanted to play a baby owl bear and I allowed it. However, be mindful about how restrictive playing an animal can be in terms of verbal communication and general role-playing.
The first time you have a session, run the actual opening intro scene from the cartoon — they go through the amusement park ride, emerge in their new garb, and encounter Dungeon Master who gives them them their weapons, and are attacked by Tiamat and Venger.
Probably you will want to start everyone off with Inspiration or some kind of cheat dice so they can get out of impossible situations and don’t die from random bad rolls. Dying from stupid decisions is fine. But this first encounter, which seems ridiculous, sets the tone that sometimes they will have to run away. They are after all just kids and not seasoned warriors. Also, don’t play Tiamat and Venger smart. Tiamat is indestructible but is easily avoided and baited. She is ponderous and takes her time. Venger has powerful magic but prefers to just make threats and monologue about how great he is, how foolish and weak Dungeon Master is, and how the kids are doomed to fail. Play the villains creatively, not efficiently.
Battle Map Suggestion: Dragondown Grotto
Please take a look at my blog entry at the beginner’s guide to the D&D cartoon. This will show you which episodes I believe are friendly to game adaptation.
The narrative begins as the group wanders through the woods. Dungeon Master has told them “you will find a clue to the way home in the forest with no trees.” On cue, they encounter a talking tree which introduces itself as a “know tree.”
Before it gives the clue for the characters to go home, it worriedly reports that Dungeon Master is in great danger, and reverts back to a normal tree. Optionally a character who has a good Perception score could hear some combat coming from some distance away. At any point they are attacked by bullywugs! Have one or more PCs see Warduke as he disappears into the woods, just as a preview to who the villain is that they will encounter later.
There are numerous options for forest battle maps. Here’s one of Paizo’s Flip Mats
After the battle, or if things are looking grim during the battle, a sprite flies to the group and tries to enlist their help to rescue Dungeon master. the pixie leads them into a mountainous area and along a cliff ledge, but there is a gap in the ledge the characters must cross. If they cannot work out a way by themselves, or if a failed roll leads to someone falling, have lammasu come help them across, as in the cartoon.
The pixie leads them into a scary cave with lava rivers inside and they are attacked by an earth elemental, and subsequently, orcs. If you want to keep the characters from escaping, you can have the earth elemental collapse the entrance through which they came. The orcs take the weapons and enslave the kids in the Slave Mines of Daramorn (this will be tricky, players dislike having their agency taken away).
Possible battle map: Hellspike Prison
It’s ok to split the party at this point if only some kids are captured. The kids meet enslaved dwarfs who explain that this was their (silver?) mine before the orcs took over. They offer to help the kids rescue DM if the kids help the dwarfs escape the mine. As an option, introduce random tremors throughout these scenes, maybe even some lava leaks – this might inspire the players to come up with their plan.
Battle Map Suggestion for the Slave Mines of Daramorn
A dwarf (let’s give him a name – Balzad) tells the kids that Dungeon Master is just on the other side of a mine wall. The PCs should have an opportunity to reclaim their weapons and get through the wall of the mine into the chamber where DM is held by Warduke. Before they can rescue Dungeon Master, Venger shows up. This is the climactic battle with Venger, Warduke and the bullywugs. The The key to surviving this encounter is to free dungeon master from the magic of Warduke’s ice sword.
You can find Warduke’s game stats online, but they usually give him a flaming sword. Don’t use that – give him the ice sword which freezes whoever it hits. And can shatter the magic ice it makes!
DM turns Venger’s evil magic against him and Venger explodes! DM warns the children that he’ll soon regain his form and they must flee the mines as the intermittent tremors are now shaking the place apart. And don’t forget the dwarves! In the chaos of the quakes, the baddies are scattered and that’s the end! Huzzah!
Final Battle – Underground Grotto
This is one of the few episodes of the cartoon where the kids don’t find a portal home. Why can’t the PCs go back to the Know Tree and get their clue now? No reason I can think of. This was a plot thread left dangling in the cartoon. If this bothers you, you can edit out the tree encounter altogether, or think up some clue to give the PCs that will take them on their next journey.
Just for fun, here are the stats for my players when I ran the game:
MC, age 10 (Khodi), HP 10, STR 9 DEX 17 CON 11 INT 13 WIS 14 CHA 15 SKILL: Stealth, Perception, Sleight of Hand, Performance, Athletics, Search Phobia of crowds Weapon of Power: Whip
GILBERT, age 12 (Gibby) HP 12 STR 9 DEX 11 CON 13 INT 15 WIS 14 CHA 17 SKILLS: Performance, Sleight of Hand, Insight, Perception Pyrophobic Weapon of Power: Horn (short burst = cone of force (save vs STR), long blow = cone of sonic damage (1d6 dmg, save vs CON or temporary deafness), melody = drowsiness (save vs. CON)
MADISON, age 12 (Louise) HP 10 STR 13 DEX 15 CON 11 INT 17 WIS 9 CHA 14 SKILLS: Acrobatics, Performance, Intimidate, Deception Phobia: doctors Weapon of Power: Clay
LORI, age 12 (Toni) HP 11 STR 11 DEX 17 CON 13 INT 14 WIS 9 CHA 15 SKILLS: Acrobatics, Sleight of Hand, Stealth, Deception, Perception, +______ Phobia of drowning Weapon: Boots
MARTY, age 10 (Carl) HP 13 STR 15 DEX 13 CON 17 INT 11 WIS 9 CHA 14 SKILLS: Deception, Intimidate, Athletics, Stealth Phobia: growing old Weapon: Crossbow (Bolt of Piercing 1d10+1; Bolt of Fire 1d6 + save vs DEX or catch on fire; Bolt of Poison save vs CON or be sickened; Bolt of Tether 100′)
BENNY, age 11 (Mike) HP 12 STR 13 DEX 14 CON 15 INT 17 WIS 11 CHA 9 SKILLS: Search, Acrobatics, Athletics, History Phobia: germs Weapon: Staff of Random Weirdness
OWLBEAR, age 1 (Tomoko) HP 12 STR 14 DEX 11 CON 14 INT 7 WIS 12 CHA 12 full attack: 2 claws + 1 bite (+2 to hit and 1d4+2 dmg each attack) Fear of thunder and lightning (brontophobia)
Season 16, 1978-1979, 4 parts, Fourth Doctor (Tom Baker)
All the tropes of classic Doctor Who are here – a corporation looking to exploit resources which disturbs an otherwise peaceful monster, in turn worshipped by the local savages who are controlled by a zealous high priest. The only thing missing is the myopic scientist over-invested in his work.
I can’t get over Neil McCarthy’s face – he’s the actor who plays the head company man Thawn. He also played Calibos in the 1981 Clash of the Titan and was in the movie Zulu! I feel for the actors and crew having to film on location in a marsh, and Wikipedia tells me the green dye used on the ‘swampies’ (what a name) wouldn’t come off for some time after production ended. All in all not a terrible episode, but pretty par for the course.
In 2022 I started a drawing series in which I attempted to draw a monster from each letter of the alphabet from the Advanced Dungeons and Dragons Monster Manual (1977).
I went through the same process for the Fiend Folio and as of this writing I am working my way through the Monster Manual II so come visit on Sunday mornings!
One issue I’ve noticed both as a player and DM is that names of non-player characters get lost in the mix, sometimes because they are too banal or otherwise forgettable. If you as a DM want your players to remember that important NPC’s name, I’m here to help you pick one!
My friend Tony on facebook said “As a GM I am not a fan of celebrity or joke names in serious games as it breaks immersion for me.” and I get that. I’m not putting names like Bogart and Pacino on this list because I think they might be TOO ripe for caricatures. One way to mitigate this concern is to swap gender, for example: Theron the dwarf priest; Lugosi the tabaxi handmaid. Another trick is to use old-timey celeb names for groups of younger players, and names of hot new tiktokkers for groups of old grognards. The players might have heard these names peripherally, but can’t connect them with an individual. So hopefully they will remember the names without a preconceived association – if that is your wish.
The idea here is using familiar names as a ‘hook’ to jog player memory. You, the GM, control the NPCs personality and looks. There may even be a few names on this list that resonate with you but you can’t place them without googling!
Anouk Arkin Bela (a baron?) Bo (alt: Beau) Bronson Chavalier (a chancellor or chamberlain?) Claude (alt: Klod) Cobb Crispin Cybill Damon (definitely NOT a tiefling, heh heh) De Havilland Dench (a deputy?) Diaz (a duchess or duke?) Eckhart Elba Firestone Forest (a priest? Father Forest, or Forrest) Furlong Goldie Guillaume (gee-yohm) Gwyneth (a traditional Welsh name for happiness) Hagen Harrison Herzog (sounds like an orc or bugbear to me) Hoagy Humphrey Irrfan Izzard (…the lizard wizard?) Jada Jaffe (alt: Jaffey) Joaquin Karloff Keitel Khan Kiefer Kingsley Klaus Krige (alt: Kreeg) Kruger Kubrick Lakshmi Lancaster Langella Lansbury (a legate? Legate Lansbury?) Lithgow (lord or lady?) Lugosi Lundgren (a lieutenant?) Mads Mervyn Mifune (a magistrate?) Monaghan (a marquis?) Morgan Nimoy Novak Odenkirk Ogden Omar Orlando Orson Palance Patel (Prince Patel?) Pfeiffer (Fifer) Quan Quinn Radcliff Radner Rama Rathbone Ratzenberger Red Richter Rockwell Rogen (alt: Rogan) Rutger Sandoval Sarsgaard Savalas Scarlett Seacrest (the notorious) Sigourney Simu Skelton Slezak Sloane Stormare Sutherland (alt: Southerland) Swinton Takashi Talia Tallulah Tautou Theron Tremayne Uma Viggo (a vassal, no doubt) Vincent Voight (alt: Voyt) Warwick Winkler Wolfard Yaphet Yul Zane
One issue I’ve noticed both as a player and DM is that names of non-player characters get lost in the mix, sometimes because they are too banal or otherwise forgettable. If you as a DM want your players to remember that important NPC’s name, I’m here to help you pick one!
You probably won’t recognize some of these names as cars, but I assure you, I’ve done my research, all the way back to 1889. This is one part of a larger series. Note: if you run a serious campaign where jokes are frowned upon, this list is not for you!
Acura – maybe put the emphasis on the second syllable
Ajax – also a figure in Greek mythology
Alfa Romeo
Argo – also the ship from Jason and the Argonauts!
Astra -literally means a star
Borgward – possibly an orc name?
Buckeye – also a tree!
Bugatti – some people told me to not include this one but it just sounds too great.
Cayenne – also a spice!
Dudly Bug
Edge – probably a rogue or some guy who thinks he’s cool.
Elgin – sounds like a scholar to me
Gutbrod – another orc name? Or a dwarf?
LeRoy (accent on the second syllable, HATES being called LEE-roy)
Pieper – pronounced ‘peeper’ if you like
Piggins – a plump halfling?
Primus Priamus Prius
Sienna / Sierra
Sirocco – also a Mediterranean wind!
Solterra (literally ‘sun earth’)
Wingle Yugo
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I see this every day in one of the D&D groups , and this is always my answer (the drawing is mine, published in from the book Aasimar & Tiefling, Green Ronin 2003)
Every Sunday morning I livestream monster drawings from the 1st edition Monster Manual on with the time limit of 20 minutes (ish)
Ned the nerdy neo-otyugh nibbles nervously on a nymph in a negligee. Nightly.
Ollie the orange owlbear ogles an octopus in the ocean.
A prowling pack of petite purple worms preys upon a panicking paladin
Quentin the quintessential quasit in a quarry of quartzite quiet quits his quest to quaff a quart of quicksilver
Rudy the ruddy rust monster revoltingly retches remnants of Ruddiger’s ringmail
Six stubborn stirges swarm a sorry straggler and his steed
Essential? Yes. This episode explains some of Venger’s backstory, and what master he serves. Game Adaptation Friendly? It could be challenging but also interesting to take away kids’ weapons of power during the Underworld set pieces. Possibly your players would hate it. AD&D Monsters: Shadow demon, salamanders, duergar (possibly), purple worm Bonus monsters: He Whose Name Cannot Be Spoken
When the kids release a powerful evil entity from the Box of Balefire, DM drains the Weapons of Power to fend it off, and escape to the Underworld. Without magic and with Venger on their heels, the kids are separated one by one as they cross the Planes of Fire to revivify DM in the Dungeon at the Heart of Dawn.
Notes: Starts off with the characters in pitch black, saving thousands on the animation budget! Frank Welker voices Hogar the duergar.
Essential? No but as a kid’s cartoon with Nazis it’s worth a watch Game Adaptation Friendly? No this could go sideways in many many ways. AD&D Monsters: blue dragon
Venger uses the Crystal of Chronos to send a Nazi fighter pilot back to WWII Germany with modern jet technology to win the war for Germany, thus eliminating the kids before they’re born.
Notes: Diana has never seen an American fighter jet. Frank Welker Voices: American fighter pilot
Essential? No Game Adaptation Friendly? AD&D Monsters: jackalope. Bonus monster: some kind of dire camel or possibly off-model catoblepas
DM quests the kids to find and destroy the unpredictably dangerous Stone of Astra, which is in the hands of a kid that Eric bonds with named Lorn. An evil wizard frames the kids in an effort to acquire the artifact.
Notes: this is Eric gets a friend episode. Frank Welker voices the wizard Korlock
Essential? No Game Adaptation Friendly? No AD&D Monsters: orcs. Bonus monster: flying bat-thing
Sheila frees a girl Kareena from her magic prison, and there’s two magic Ring of the Heart and the Ring of the Mind that can send the kids home, but Kareena has a connection with Venger.
Notes: Frank Welker voices an orc
Essential? No Game Adaptation Friendly? Quite possibly! But I haven’t tried it yet. AD&D Monsters: Faerie dragons, giant ants
Tasmira, queen of the Faerie Dragons, is held prisoner by the evil warlord King Varen, who desires their treasure. Aided by the sassy little dragon Amber, the gang must free her and help her people find a new home.
Notes: Presto makes a reference to the 1950’s giant ants movie “Them!”
Essential? No Game Adaptation Friendly? Quite possibly! But I haven’t tried it yet. AD&D Monsters: brontotherium. Bonus monsters: furry pet, darkling.
Essential? Tough call. Considering it’s not official, I would say it’s strictly not essential. But if you want closure, watch it. Game Adaptation Friendly? Ask me later. AD&D Monsters: Hydra, bronze dragon, lizard men, shadow demon. Bonus monster: amoeboid
The final episode that wraps up the kids’ journey was scripted by Michael Reaves but was not professionally animated, as Mark Evanier explains on his blog. A radio play of the script was released with the DVD box set, including the original voice of Sheila, Katie Leigh. In 2020 a fan-made animation was released on Youtube which you can see here.
This season the episodes begin to focus on individual characters a bit more, giving them connections with other kids they meet during their travels. There are 8 episodes.
Essential? No Game adaptation friendly? I haven’t tried to run it but it seems problematic. AD&D Monsters: bullywugs, lizard men, hydra, cockatrice. Original monsters: bat-winged tentacle monster
Bobby’s true love episode. The kids meet another refugee from the D&D ride on Earth, Teri, with an ability of prophetic dreams. DM tells them a portal home lies within within the Maze of Darkness. Teri dreams that she will be reunited with Bobby in America and DM confirms it will happen. Venger wants the secret of Teri’s powers. For some reason Bobby destroys the portal after Teri passes through it.
Notes: Sheila spanks a lizard man, and We learn former pupils of DM died in the maze!
Essential? No Game adaptation friendly?No, for multiple reasons AD&D Monsters:plesiosaurus, orcs, shadow demon. Original monsters: demodragon
Venger has created a two-headed horror Demodragon in an effort to trick Queen Sulinara of Tardos Keep into giving up their treasured dragonsbane. Venger would use the plant against Tiamat, but DM sends the kids to help. Somehow they avoid dying.
Essential? No Game adaptation friendly?I think this could work if you’re willing to separate a PC from the rest of the group. AD&D Monsters: hook horrors, possibly a modified Type III Demon
King Ramuud, posing as a caravan merchant from Kadish, has lost his daughter Aisha to a creature called the Night Walker, who enslaves kids in his city where time is stopped. When Bobby is also taken, the kids go to rescue him.
Notes: Schoolmate Jimmy Whitaker says Presto does stupid magic tricks. Ramuud is way nicer than Eric’s dad.
Essential? No Game adaptation friendly?Yes, the plot is quite simple, though I have not run it myself. AD&D Monsters: orcs, shadow demon. Original creatures: Cloud bears.
In this Endor/Ewok/Care Bears ‘ripoff/homage’, Hank and Bobby are captured by Venger, and Hank makes a deal to betray his comrades in order to save Bobby. Then he learns that the magic stones of the cloud bears are Venger’s kryptonite.
Notes: Venger uses orcs to attack the tree-dwelling cloud bears. He should have used his flying apes from episode 3!
Essential? YES! Game adaptation friendly?Not with any regard to power balance, no. AD&D Monsters:giant wasps, yeti, red dragon, roc, giant octopus (presumably)
Eric takes on the mantle and powers of Dungeon Master while the kids quest to the City of Darkhaven to acquire The Golden Grimoire.
Notes: They reference Star Wars. Eric has a selfless moment, Bobby is fine with leaving Uni alone in the realm this time. The animation during the climax is higher quality than the rest of the ep.
Essential? No Game adaptation friendly?Probably, but I haven’t run it personally. AD&D Monsters: Tiamat, orcs, giant squid
In this fairly dark episode, Presto connects with a natural illionist Varla, held captive by Venger in the Forbidden Tower. The kids must rescue her but Venger frames them as witches and townsfolk throw them in jail.
Presto’s love episode, with a happy ending, but we don’t know what happens to Varla for the rest of the series.
Notes: DM takes a bow at the end of the episode
Essential? YES! One of the darker episodes where the kids finally try to take control of their destiny. Game adaptation friendly? Not sure how you would do this. Would give the PC opportunity to gain new Weapons of Power. AD&D Monsters:frost giant, shadow demon, Tiamat
Remarkably this episode starts with the kids finding a portal home, and the kids are fed up when Venger thwarts them. The plan: to put an end to Venger, permanent-like, with the help of Tiamat.
Essential? No Game adaptation friendly? No AD&D Monsters:doombat, demon
Diana falls for the extremely uncharismatic Kosar, recently escaped from a dungeon in city of Turad by the demon queen to prevent the fulfilling of the prophecy “On the Night of Starfall, the child of the stargazer shall come from a far away land to stand in the Temple of Light and the demon shall be banished.”
Notes: No Venger in this episode. Episode opens with Diana singing the end credits music. The animation is uneven in this episode, off model at times but more anime at the end
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