I went swimming last night in Coquitlam with Ang Hold.

I have not been in a public pool since the mid to late eighties. That means that I have not been naked in a change room filled with other naked men in a like amount of time – to the tune of 15 years. Until last night. Suffice it to say, it was a stark contrast to my entire adult life experience. Now, I’m not against naked men (and certainly I’m not against naked women – though I’d like to be hahah), although, you know…if for example Shawn the guy who lives across from my apartment in 304 decided he was going to walk around the halls with no clothes on, I would probably be less enthusiastic to go check my mail…but I am rather self-conscious. So seeing people’s dinks hanging out was, while surreal, not necessarily offputting. However, having my own dink hanging out – I’m not used to that. My organ and I, we spend a lot of time together, but it’s pretty much all private time. Thrusting us into the limelight, so to speak, gives us a bit of stagefright, especially since the last time we’ve been in that limelight was during the most awkward time of my life…good old puberty. I was a late bloomer, you see.

So…traumatized? Yes, a little, thank you. But am I giving up? Hell no. I’ll go back. Swimming was good exercise and fun, especially with Ang Hold there to hide behind and to teach me swimming techniques. It’s been a long long time since I’ve been in the water and I miss it. I knew I missed it before I even went in last night.

In the early nineties I lived on Cultus Lake 9 months out of the year. I would go swimming by myself (Aquaman on Superfriends obviously failed to get through to me how bad of an idea that is) in the afternoon. That was when I was taking an English course in college, writing boring essays on A Modest Proposal. One time I went swimming and when I got home I threw up. Wasn’t sure why. The next day I went swimming again, and again when I got home, up comes the vomit, (like there’s any other direction for vomit to come). Did I have some kind of weird condition? Was there something in the water? No, I suddenly realized, it was because both times I had a luncheon meat sandwich before I went swimming, forgetting the cardinal rule not to go swimming until a half hour (is that right?) after you’ve eaten. Lesson learned.

Today I saw Pirates of the Caribbean. I’d give it 7/10.

SOMEBODY PLEASE TAKE ME CAMPING!!! I have no gear. No gear whatsoever.

I wrote a little poem this morning. If you were to go over to Yvonne’s blog, and click on behind the curtain, you will find it. Or if you want to cheat, you can just follow this link. I had several more minutes to work on it than the poem I did at Oneword, which I won’t even bother to reprint here.

Scrolling is the Enemy
I have too many people on my ICQ/MSN/AIM/YAHOO messenger lists. Whenever there are so many people (they like to call them ‘users’) online that can’t see to the bottom of the list (which, since I don’t know anyone whose name begins with Z, is inevitably Yvonne), I delete a couple. I wonder what they would think if they knew that, these refugees from my Trillian contact list? Probably don’t give a HOOT. And furthermore, I don’t list people under their assumed ‘handles’. I have no use for handles. Jackwrencher, Foolishpoodle, Righteousfist. You know who you are: Rob, Kirsten, Hal (and now so does everyone else). As soon as someone gets onto my contact list, whether it be someone I add or someone who messages me out of the blue, I always change how they appear on the list to their first name: I’ve had too many problems with meeting someone in real life. The conversation goes like this:

strange person: Hey Toren
me: Oh uh…hi.
strange person: It’s me, Jeff Farnsworth
me: Oh uh…hi.
strange person: I’m the guy from Calgary – I bought a t-shirt at your show last October.
me: Oh uh…hi.
strange person: You know HotWanker2000 on ICQ.

And that’s just not cool.

This is the world we live in:


and quite frankly I’m against it. I once saw a show on the teevee in which they were showing this kind of stuff. There was a digital photo of a model lying down on her side, and they stretched her legs out probably close to 30% longer than reality. I don’t get it.

This weekend I’m going to be completely absorbed in film, as I’m on Mike Jackson’s team for the 48 Hour Film Festival. I even agreed to be somewhere for 8am on Saturday morning – that is unheard of. I won’t spoil what our gimmick, er – I mean what our inspiration is for our film, but I will say that it rhymes with thruppets. Haha – you probably think I’ll be acting but in fact I’ll be holding the boom mic. Any pointers?

Not as good as the view from Phobos, but still pretty good.

Now what do you know about this:

Never again in our lifetime will the Red Planet be so spectacular! This month and next, Earth is catching up with Mars, an encounter that will culminate in the closest approach between the two planets in recorded history. The next time Mars may come this close is in 2287. (Due to the way Jupiter’s gravity tugs on Mars and perturbs its orbit, astronomers can only be certain that Mars has not come this close to Earth in the last 5,000 years, but it may be as long as 60,000 years.)

The encounter will culminate on August 27th when Mars comes to within 34,649,589 miles and will be (next to the moon) the brightest object in the night sky. It will attain a magnitude of -2.9 and will appear 25.11 arc seconds wide. At a modest 75-power magnification Mars will look as large as the full moon to the naked eye. Mars will be easy to spot. At the beginning of August, Mars will rise in the east at 10 p.m. and reach its azimuth at about 3 a.m.

By the end of August when the two planets are closest, Mars will rise at nightfall and reach its highest point in the sky at 12:30 a.m. That’s pretty convenient when it comes to seeing something that no human has seen in recorded history. So mark your calendar at the beginning of August to see Mars grow progressively brighter and brighter throughout the month. Share with your friends, and relatives.

No one alive today will ever see this again.

So – who’s got a telescope? And do the words “Mars Party” mean anything to you? I’ll bring the bars.

Cubans, in fact, have very few sharp corners

Today I got paid money for using my voice. That’s a nice-a donut. The company is Lynx Publishing and what they do, see, is publish ESL books with CDs. So I was reading out loud (not to be confused with acting) various conversational or informational text. This particular book I was reading for is for ESL workers in the nursing field. So I found myself talking about the intimate details of chlamydia with women I’d never met before in my life! And coping with the loss of my leg. And being embarrassed about being washed by female nurses (as if!!). It was pretty surreal – all the more so because we were recording in a Joy’s room. Joy is a young girl – not sure about her age but I would guess 16. The company is a home business, so the microphone was set up on her computer desk, and the wires went out to a room across the hall, where Ray was recording to his computer. There was only one microphone for all the readers. Joy, actually, is a fantastic artist – much better than I was at her age, if memory serves. She had her drawings up on the walls. So we got into talking about what I draw and so forth. She didn’t know what D&D is (though she had Magic: The Gathering cards in her room) but Ray did. Carol, the woman who hired me, was also very interested in my drawing abilities. I guess they are thinking about putting out a children’s ESL book and so she was probing me about illustrations for that. Furthermore, when I was getting my check, she asked me about writing, and asked me if I was interested in doing some editing for them. Furthermore, being a true, polite, meek Canadian, I didn’t bring up the subject of pay at all, prior to being on site, but when Carol cut me a check she told me that I was getting 25% above their normal rates. I guess I impressed them. I think it’s neat, what they’re doing; very homey, intimate, like you would expect from a family business. Of course it appeals to my anti-corporate, grassroots side, such as it is. So I am happy to help them out. Plus: money.

I read more Alias last night. I am diggin’ this new dernier cri in comics where we see the mundane side of the universe that is not spandex-laden, yet we can’t forget that superheroes are all around. Jessica and her new boyfriend are having dinner on the patio of a restaurant, and Dr. Octopus goes by with Spider-Man and the Human Torch in hot (ha) pursuit. “You…uh…you want to go help?” asks Jessica. “I didn’t bring any of my Ant-Man stuff. Do you want to go?” replies Scott. Jessica: “mmmmm…nah. They got it. And I really — I don’t do that anymore.”

Does anyone know where I can get a pair of orange cargo pants? Not that I can afford to go clothes shopping right now but yeah. So anyway, I was telling Ang Hold, when I vacuumed, which was oh, say…1987 was probably the last time, at my parent’s place, I would often sing over the vacuum. And in the upstairs hall was the doorbell – the actual bell that rings. And as I would sing sometimes I would hit the resonant frequency of the doorbell. And of course we all know what that means, right? It means that the note that I was singing was the exact same note that the doorbell rings, so the sympathetic vibrations would cause the doorbell to ring. It was like a little chorus of two. And that, my friends, is science.

In the News….
Leaders of the Episcopal Church approved a gay bishop and said that individual churches could choose to bless same-sex unions; a group of conservative bishops called for the creation of a new Anglican province in the United States where homosexuality would remain a bona fide sin. [Greed and wrath, however, are still being deferred.]

The United States Army began incinerating millions of pounds of chemical weapons in a small town in Alabama; nearby residents, who have been assured that the process is completely safe, were issued protective hoods.

it was reported that the Pentagon has awarded a $500,000 grant to researchers to develop genetically engineered trees that will change color in the event of a biological- or chemical-weapons attack. […or in autumn.]

Today’s post is in point form:

ey p
up a tic-
ket for Eddie
finally. I
can’t wait. I took
the test at http://

and I am on the economic left
(-6.62) and also left on the social
scale (Libertarian): -5.85. What does
that mean? I’m in cahoots with Gandhi,
Nelson Mandela and the Dalai Lama. Yes-
terday I had dim sum with Nicole & Chris and
Jeff & Tea and Theo & Kate and Stuart and applic-
able children. Then we went back to Jeff’s place and I
looked through Tea’s collection of Sandman graphic novels.
A fellow named John Crawford arrived to get a hair cut from Jeff.
John writes for the Westender and told us how he met Dan Savage
and how there are clubs whose members actively seek out HIV infection
(mostly in California). I forget what the name of the organization is. When
Nicole offered me a ride home Katey (her cute kid) cried because she had just
made friends with Tea’s cute kids and parting was such sweet sorrow. Well not
so much sweet as loud. I felt bad but I had to be at a BBQ/meeting with Dave and
the rest of the crew for Aggravated Assault for 3pm. Then it was back to the computer
where I typed up and emailed all the corrections and notes I made proofreading the
newest editted manuscript for the Spaceship Zero adventure “Slave Ship.” and drew
some revised maps for it. This will appear on the Green Ronin site as a PDF file.
This morning I had to get up to be at a video shoot for Aggravated Assault
because even though it’s a play it’s a bit multi-media in that there
will be TVs on stage. It was only a 30 second scene but I got to
wear a tie and say “Mr. Boyle’s chances are excellent.” Then
My oldest chum Chris (only a month older than me but
that’s not what I mean) came over, we had brunch
at Denny’s (I blame Chris) and played a couple of
games of Magic: The Gathering. He’s painting
the cover of the next Bare Naked Ladies
album. Correction: he’s done painting it.
Then Kate arrived for a game of tennis
at 3pm. Tonight I had acting class:
it was good. This Wednesday I
have an appointment to
try out for reading
the english bits
on an ESL

me l

Point form – get it?

Last night, Jeff, Josh, Yvonne, Carina, Jen, Norm, Adrian, Don, and Mike came over to watch Legends of the Superheroes. LotS consists of two TV specials from the 70’s – “The Roast” and “The Challenge”. They are live action, and star Adam West as Batman and Burt Ward as Robin, plus a host of ‘where were they ever’ actors filling the roles of Hawkman, Green Lantern, The Flash, Black Canary, The Huntress, The Atom, Captain Marvel, and who could forget Retired Man. The villains included Frank Gorshin as The Riddler, plus Legion of Doom regulars Giganta and Solomon Grundy along with other forgettable villains. Although Charlie “voot voot” Callas was pretty entertaining as Sinestro.

“The Roast” consisted of Ed McMahon… oh god how do I describe this…making completely awful jokes at the heroes’ expense, peppered with a series of special appearances by their arch enemies, special guest heroes like Ghetto Man, and even Hawkman’s mother showed up. Truly terrifying stuff. But we washed the taste out of our brains with some Futurama, Clone High and Black Books. Giggles commenced.

Today Chris & Nicole (and Katie) from Green Ronin Publishing stopped by. GR is the company that published Spaceship Zero. They brought over some swag for H.P. Lovecraft’s Birthday Party, my contributor copies for the Monsters of the Mind book, and a big fat check. Joyous day! We sat around and talked about GenCon and Kolchack the Night Stalker. They left to take Katie to Science World and I had to scoot for my appointment with Dave & Ann.

Dave is my acting teacher and he’s also the director of the play Aggravated Assault in which I’ll be playing a lawyer. They took me out to a consignment store across from the Hollywood Theater and I tried on some suits. We didn’t end up getting any of them but they picked out a pair of pants and a shirt for me. We’ll get shoes later. I won’t need them for the shoot we’re doing on Monday (yes, I did say a play – but it’s kind of multimedia, in fact it’s a kind of commentary on the media and spin-doctoring). While I was there I got a couple of shirts for myself for (on average) $4 each. Nice. By the way – if anyone knows where I can get a pair of orange cargo pants in town, please let me know.

Tonight I had a fantastic night hanging out with Yvonne, whom I haven’t seen for a while (except last night but that was in mixed company rather than one on one – my optimum friend enjoyment situation). We went for a smoothie (free) at Wrap Zone. Incidentally I like Wrap Zone better than Steamrollers and I’ll tell you why:

1. They have 3 sizes to choose from
2. They have Greek wraps every day, not just Wednesday.
3. They give me a free smoothie when they run out banana.

But I digress. After the smoothie we went down to Anapurna, the vegetarian Indian restaurant on the corner of 4th and Burrard. It was pretty good. Yvonne even had the candied fennel seeds at the end. Plus – I grabbed one of Chris’ coupons from his big book o’ coupons for $10 off the meal so more savings were to be had. Then we walked along the Burrard Street bridge until we found a good spot to watch the fireworks. We were about 2 hours early so we spent a lot of time sitting on the bridge, singing Monty Python songs, watching people walk by, and getting in their way. The fireworks were pretty good. Then we joined the throngs until we got to Bean Around the World where we enjoyed hot beverages and a trip to the lavatory. Then we walked up to Broadway – encountering what looked to me like a banana tree – and solemnly waited for the bus. Yvonne leant me Belle & Sebastian and Tortoise, but she also returned my Masters of Reality CD so that is what I’m listening to right now.