2d20 Gaming Convention

Attention all gamer friends: For my birthday this year (I’ll be 2d20 years old) I’d like to organize a gaming convention. You may recall I founded the Vancouver Gaming Guild and about a decade ago I was helping to organize 2-4 cons a year. I gave that up to focus on other projects such as Second Level Wizards Awesome Events Society but I’d like to do one more con at the Marpole Curling Club in July. I need help – GMs, special guests, people to run demos of hot new games, and mostly a commitment to shell out $6-10 bucks for a Saturday of good nerdy times.

If you’re willing to do any of these things, please join this Facebook event!

One Reply to “2d20 Gaming Convention”

  1. I am not on The Facebook any more but I am very interested in assisting and running games at this eventiod.

    PS: It’s pronounced “elasmo-brank”

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