Announcing a Cthulhupalooza memorabilia auction to benefit Child’s Play Charity!
URL for auction:
Own a piece of Cthulhupalooza history! Cthulhupalooza was a benefit event in Vancouver BC Canada organized by Blackhammer Productions and The Darkest of the Hillside Thickets to celebrate the latter’s inclusion on Rock Band the video game. The event consisted of a Rock Band contest, a screening of the silent film The Call of Cthulhu (by the H.P. Lovecraft Historical Society) and a live performance by the world’s premiere Lovecraft inspired rock band The Darkest of the Hillside Thickets. The event benefited Child’s Play Charity, giving games and toys to sick kids.
Up for auction is a prize kit of Cthulhupalooza memorabilia including:
- A complete set (7) of Cthulhupalooza soda provided by our amazing sponsor Jones Soda. (Features: Spaceship Zero [bubblegum flavour]; SpaceCorp Reconstituted Space Effluent [root beer]; Colour Me Green Apple; The Thickets live at the Media Club as photographed by Adam PW Smith [cream soda]; The Thickets live at the Penny Arcade Expo as photographed by Adam PW Smith [cream soda]; The Shadow Out of Tim album cover [green apple]; Cthulhupalooza “R’lyeh Calling” logo [green apple].
- A set of 3 different Cthulhupalooza pinback buttons
- A Cthulhupalooza poster
- A Cthulhupalooza T-Shirt (size L or S, your choice) in military green, specially made for Cthulhupalooza volunteers, provided by our sponsor EmbroidMe Vancouver!
This is a one-time offer for fans of The Darkest of the Hillside Thickets, Cthulhu, Jones Soda, nerdiness and Child’s Play Charity enthusiasts.
Proceeds from this auction go to Child’s Play Charity!!!!
See and and
http://www.jones.soda and
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