Don't Do What Donny Don't Does

After not visiting my dentist for 7 years I suddenly got dental coverage at my work a couple months ago, and then a chunk of my molar fell out while I was eating a sandwich. I didn’t floss so I got gum disease and cavities and my tooth rotted and my nerve died. A sad story. Only you can prevent forest fires, or something – DON’T LET THIS HAPPEN TO YOU! Cleanings are $200 whereas root canals are over $1000, so visit your dentist if not every six months like they tell you, at least every 2 years.

Also my dentist now has actual fangs. Things change in 7 years. Did you know?

Dream On

A group of three people woke up and had no memory. They wandered around a wasteland and a large chunk of machinery fell from the sky almost hitting one of them. They started to go a little nuts and one of them ended up with a piece of sheet metal bound to his leg, dragging it along. They thought they were walking to Alaska but they saw something in a tree – the first sign of life besides their own. It was a large monkey! They saw a building – in a fenced off area beside it was a woman glowing a soft red, wandering around like an animal. Inside they found more people, some naked some clothed, in pens. The guy with the sheet metal went nuts and started to wreck stuff. All the doors became prison bars as metal shards grew up from the ground, trapping them in a room. A faceless robot head poked out of a vent and asked “Do I win?”

“Do you win what?”

“Do I win law?”

The rest of the dream was a discussion with the robot about the nature of laws – especially how they change between cultures and over time to meet society’s needs.

Historyonics For Reals

Okay this time I (presumably) have the correct date. Bit of a SNAFU with the old art crew for reasons incalculable, but not to worry. Apparently the start time is 1pm but I’m more likely to be there around 6 or 7 so that would be a good time to come socialize.

And possibly look at my original art along with everyone else’s.

Sunday, November 16, 2008 at 1:00pm
The Jem Gallery
225 E Broadway
Vancouver, BC

Apocadream D

I dreamt the other night that I was part of this literally underground operation – a huge subterranean complex employing tens of thousands of people. Unbeknownst to most of the employees they were all working towards the summoning from the pits of hell a great Godzilla-sized demon – and part of that summoning included their sacrifice. I spent most of my dream trying to find my way out of the maze of giant weird rooms as the infernal power built up at the core of the complex and began to ominously surge its way up.

Speaking of demons, I just found out that there’s a new Tenacious D DVD available.


Historyonics / Rhinosferatu Launch Party


Historyonics is the name of the comic anthology that the origin of Rhinosferatu is appearing. The books have been printed and the launch party is [DATE FORTHCOMING] at the Jem Gallery on Broadway at Main St. I’ll have my original artwork up on the walls in case you haven’t already seen them.

Red Tornado on TV!

No, it’s not a Red Tornado TV series, sadly, but there’s a new cartoon coming out called BATMAN: THE BRAVE AND THE BOLD which is described as:

Batman isn’t going at it alone this time! From Warner Bros. Animation comes the latest interpretation of the classic Batman franchise. Our caped crusader is teamed up with heroes from across the DC Universe, delivering nonstop action and adventure with a touch of comic relief. Blue Beetle, Green Arrow, Aquaman and countless others will get a chance to uphold justice alongside Batman. Though still based in Gotham, Batman will frequently find himself outside city limits, facing situations that are both unfamiliar and exhilarating. With formidable foes around every corner, Batman will still rely on his stealth, resourcefulness and limitless supply of cool gadgets to bring justice home.

Warner Bros. Animation and Cartoon Network have issued an abbreviated list of characters that will be appearing on Batman: The Brave and The Bold. The list can be seen below.

Batman/Bruce Wayne
The Atom
Black Manta

Black Canary
Blue Beetle
Booster Gold
Bronze Tiger
Calendar Man
Clock King
The Demon
Dr. Fate
The Flash
Gentleman Ghost
Gorilla Grodd
Green Arrow
Green Lantern Corp.
Guy Gardener
Jonah Hex
Justice Society of America
Kite Man
Ocean Master

Plastic Man
Red Tornado

Adam Strange
Zebra Man

I’m a little worried about the character design. Also apparently, very light, not dark, aimed for younger kids.

Episode 1: “The Rise of the Blue Beetle!,” Batman and Blue Beetle team up to save an alien race from Kanjar Ro.
Episode 2: “Terror on Dinosaur Island!” Batman and Plastic Man thwart Gorilla Grodd’s plot to devolve humans into primates.
Episode 3: “Evil Under the Sea!” Batman aids Aquaman as Ocean Master and Black Manta team up to assassinate him.