Rhinosferatu Complete.

Here are all of the pages to Secret Files from the World Wildlife Federation of Justice: The Ominous Origin of Rhinosferatu, including the newly uploaded Page 4. In print there will be titles and credits, but this comic is designed with no words.

Notes on page 4:
Panels 1-3: Another decision made from drawings defying comic panel conformity, but I think this comes across as three things happening virtually simultaneously. I had to look up photo references for splitting wood on google. I really like the hand grabbing the bat – it’s very Bruce Timm.
Panel 4: Look at all that flying pointy wooden debris. What could it mean?
Panel 6: This is the submitted version. I am on the fence about whether to keep that white blob in the middle of the panel or just have it 100% black. Vote!
Panels 7-9: I’m happy with how the dead bat turned out, even if this panel, like many of them, has shitty crosshatching which is something I’m trying to get away from. I’d like to gravitate toward the Steve Rude/Mike Mignola style of inking – flat blocks with tight, abrupt feathering where necessary. This last panel is one I struggled with a bit – this is supposed to be really the end frame. The stop. The period. Rest here. The end. So I tried to pull out a bit for a long shot that makes that sort of statement. Really the problem is pages 3 and 4 should have been stretched out to three pages not two.
Panel 10. The epilogue. I think that rabbit is hilarious. He’s such a prick!
THE END. Hope you enjoyed. Buy the “Historyonics” issue of CLOUDSCAPE COMICS – from me! – when it comes out.

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