A Nice Letter

Hi Toren,

I finally got a copy of your latest CD and think it is the best that I have heard yet. I liked all the other ones, but The Shadow Out of Tim is a real achievement. I know of only 2 other LPs that tell a story over their play time. I know of Pink Floyd’s The Wall and a band called Queensryche’s Operation: Mind Crime. Thank you and the band for producing such a piece of entertainment. It inspired me to re-read The Shadow Out of Time by HPL. If you know of any other CDs that tell stories in this fashion and would recommend I would love to read about them.

Thank you for you attention. Please keep up the good work.


Anyone know of such albums?

3 Replies to “A Nice Letter”

  1. The Decemberist’s EP, The Tain, and Neutral Milk Hotel’s In The Aeroplane Over The Sea have a narrative of some kind. Nine Inch Nails Year Zero is the most recently released concept album I can think of.

  2. Wasp’s album The Crimson Idol “follows main protagonist Jonathon Steel on a typical trail of rock n roll excess brought about by parental neglect.” The music is better than that synopsis sounds, but is very 80’s rock.

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