Hi Toren,
I finally got a copy of your latest CD and think it is the best that I have heard yet. I liked all the other ones, but The Shadow Out of Tim is a real achievement. I know of only 2 other LPs that tell a story over their play time. I know of Pink Floyd’s The Wall and a band called Queensryche’s Operation: Mind Crime. Thank you and the band for producing such a piece of entertainment. It inspired me to re-read The Shadow Out of Time by HPL. If you know of any other CDs that tell stories in this fashion and would recommend I would love to read about them.
Thank you for you attention. Please keep up the good work.
Anyone know of such albums?
Styx’s album Kilroy Was Here is a concept-album that tells a story. I’m sure most people (ahem… our age) will remember the song “Mister Roboto” from that album.
The Decemberist’s EP, The Tain, and Neutral Milk Hotel’s In The Aeroplane Over The Sea have a narrative of some kind. Nine Inch Nails Year Zero is the most recently released concept album I can think of.
Wasp’s album The Crimson Idol “follows main protagonist Jonathon Steel on a typical trail of rock n roll excess brought about by parental neglect.” The music is better than that synopsis sounds, but is very 80’s rock.