Maybe I'll Have My New Costume Done By Then?

For those who like to be informed when The Darkest of the Hillside Thickets are performing on May 10 at the Media Club here in Vancouver, this post is for you! At Warren’s request, no less. Yes – he’ll be here and wielding his mighty axe.

2 Replies to “Maybe I'll Have My New Costume Done By Then?”

  1. This will be the third time in the past two years or so when you guys have been playing on a day when I have to be in Victoria for a family function from which there is no escape.

    Curse you.

  2. Holy crap, I’ll actually be in town. I wonder how the gods will conspire to make me miss this show? I’m like Ulysses. And the Thickets are Penelope. All of you. I wonder who the suitors are? Hopefully nobody too tough, because my archery ain’t what it used to be.

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