Disadvantage Point

I went to a special preview screening of Vantage Point last night and was disappointed. Although it’s definitely a thrill a minute, it’s too over-the-top, confused, and–surprisingly, given the cast–poorly acted. It seemed hurriedly slapped together. It had some interesting bits but the ending was, as Jesus would say, laughable.

If anyone has seen Charlie Wilson’s War or Atonement or Michael Clayton I’d be interested to hear reports. I still need to see There Will Be Blood.

PS – every time I go downtown, I wish I hadn’t. I have to stop going.

One Reply to “Disadvantage Point”

  1. There Will Be Blood might be the best movie of the 21st Century. SEE IT! It’s Citizen Kane for a new generation.

    I liked Charlie Wilson’s War. It had personality and it was way outside of Tom Hanks’ typically saccharin sweet roles.

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