
I got a role on the Stargate TV series. They want me for one day of filming (I do have speaking role), but they don’t know what date. The best they can do right now is somewhere between the 17th and 27th. That could screw up my Birthday Auction or the Chilliwack show on the 25th. Pray for me.

3 Replies to “Stargate”

  1. “Mister Atkinson, we’d like you to wear this squid mask shoot this alien blaster at the camera over there. Oh, can you act like a crazed maniac, please?”

    That is what I wish for you.

  2. Speaking role, eh?

    “Yes sir.”

    “They went that way.”

    “Don’t let them get to Earth. Aaawwwwk- ”

    “We should have been killed with the rest of humanity.”

    Congratulations Toren.

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