I Competed!

This Tuesday evening was the first annual Ukelele Slam! Contestants performed original songs for prizes. It was announced at the last monthly Ukelele Jam and Joyce and I said “yeah! We should do it!” But we didn’t get our stuff together until the night before. We slapped together a song and performed it at the slam. I think the song itself is sound but the execution was pretty laughable. There were 8 contestants – Joyce and I were the only team – and we placed 7th. It’s a good thing we didn’t place in the top four because we both forgot that those who made it to the second round had to perform a second original song – and we had not even begun to write one! Overall it was a lot of fun and despite our poor ranking the crowd really enjoyed our antics. And our prize for placing 7th was getting our $5 entry fee back. Good-natured fun for all, and now I’ve forced Joyce on stage. Woot!

Now I want to put together an intro to ukelele Slackademics workshop. Who’s interested? I know where to get $10 ukeleles if you don’t already have one.