Go, Toren!

It’s my birthday! And to celebrate I’m making up a D&D character and tonight I’ll be working on Thickets music in my closet studio.

At some point I’ll be announcing the date of my birthday auction, but between organizing Slackademics and the ST:TNG How to Host A Murder game I really have no idea when it’ll be. In the meantime you can give me the birthday gift of critiquing the WWFJ characters in the appropriate post comments!

10 Replies to “Go, Toren!”

  1. Happy birth canal day! Important question for Old Man MacBin: are the Thickets going to the HPL Film Festival this year? According to the site, Ramsey Campbel & Guillermo del Toro will be there. Looks like one of the best line-ups yet.


  2. re: HPLFF: I hope so, but the motivation of other required personnel are questionable.

  3. RE the HPL Film Fest, is the same weekend as V-Con ( October 6-7-8) which really sucks! Argh!! HPL is of MAJOR interest, where as V-Con is of little interest, but we have agreed to run Cloud City. Ick.

    Happy Day After Your Birthday Buddy!

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