I answered an ad on craigslist for a childrens book illustrator. I met with the guy and I think I have a decent shot of outdrawing the competition (knock on paper) from what he tells me. Im not stupidstitious so Im just going to go ahead and tell you that I hope this thing works out! Part of The Horribles experiment has just been about diversifying my styles and trying new stuff, because I feel like Ive hit a rut in my drawing and anyway, the RPG well is dry. Working in the Raincoast warehouse for a year really made me ache to do something in the kids book vein, so well see how long it takes for me to get disillusioned with that.
Here is a piece of advice to everyone out there in Blogland: dont get so many projects on the go that you cant keep track of them all. To wit:
My bedroom recording studio
Thickets Album
The Horribles
My CafePress store
The next Spaceship Zero RPG scenario (makes my head hurt)
C:/ (the music project – totally on the backburner but all of my ridiculous ditties that don’t get the Thickets treatment will end up here)
Mutants & Masterminds Power Enterprise characters for pdf
VGG convention organization Im sure Im forgetting something.
Well, you could just drop the rest and focus on the new thickets album….. 🙂 Not that I am so objective, of course.
I’m going to go with jaron on this one. More Thickets.