Other news

A Colorado high school student decided to test Army recruitment policies by telling a recruiter that he had dropped out of high school and was addicted to marijuana. The recruiter told the student how to get a fake diploma over the Internet and instructed him to take a detoxification formula so that he could pass the Army’s drug test.[CBS 4 Colorado]

Kenya’s parliament passed a motion calling for the castration of rapists. “The Bible,” announced the Kenyan health minister, “says that if any part of the body causes you to sin, it should be removed.” [BBC News]

Norway sent a woman to jail for raping a man.

The Girl Scouts were suing people who didn’t pay for their cookies.[AP] The state court of Florida blocked a thirteen-year-old girl from having an abortion. “Why can’t I make my own decision?” the girl asked a judge. “I don’t know,” the judge answered.[BBC News] [Sun-Sentinel.com]

A middle school in Boulder, Colorado, banned hugging, suggesting that students high-five instead,[9News.com]

The Austrian housewares chain Baumax renamed their tool shed from “Mauthausen,” which was the name of a Nazi concentration camp, to “Linde,” which means “linden tree.”[New York Times]

The United States was sending prisoners to Uzbekistan so that they could be tortured more fully. In Uzbekistan the most common torture techniques are beating and asphyxiation with a gas mask; however, victims can also have their genitals shocked, their toenails plucked out, and they can be boiled to death.[The Seattle Times]

The Mayor of Spokane, Washington, an opponent of gay rights, was accused of being a pedophile; he insisted that he cruised the Internet only for men of legal age.[Seattle Post-Intelligencer]

Twelve new moons were discovered orbiting Saturn.[BBC News]

A Fresno, California, man was standing trial for killing nine of his children, seven of whom he fathered with his own daughters and nieces. “Jesus was a womanizer,” he explained.[CourtTV.com]

One Reply to “Other news”

  1. high-five! Man, that’s awesome. I remember when we weren’t allowed to hug anymore in my elementary school.

    Also, the concentration camp tool shed, LOL.

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