I went on a date today, and it wasssssssssssssssssssss…
…good! In fact, we met for bubble tea and then ended up going to the Dr Sun Yat Sen Gardens and then wandered around and then had dinner.
I went on a date today, and it wasssssssssssssssssssss…
…good! In fact, we met for bubble tea and then ended up going to the Dr Sun Yat Sen Gardens and then wandered around and then had dinner.
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more importantly, did you share your berries?
I think that sounds vaguely dirty.
I’m sure Toren would agree.
I do agree.
i take it that ‘good’ is a step up from your last date, which you said was ‘fine’.
Clever ruse to avoid my inquiry noted.
berries are dirty. dingleberries are dirtier. if she wants to share your dingleberries… RUN