I was amazed, mystified, astounded, dumbfounded, and stupefied by the calibre of fantastic swag donated and be-gifted upon me this birthday goodness. It includes, in the order that I remember/am looking at it – some black plastic vhs cases (yeah!), some superiffic ultra-classy “royal blue with gold” six-sided dice, some Tank Girl comics, gaming minis (pirates and brigands), tons of KICKASS camping gear that I am so fucking stoked about that I absolutely have to use words like “fucking” and “stoked,” the Wheatus CD that I’ve been longing for, stickers, and the whole caboodle was lovingly catered by Anghold & Yvonne. The chip dip was so popular that I wasn’t quick enough for anything but the scrapings once everyone was gone (but I found some leftover celery, mushrooms and veggie dip so that made up for it and then some). We’ve got tons of chips leftover so if you’re feeling a mite peckish feel free to stop by for some junk food. I’ll be having pakoras, tabouleh, and pita w/ houmous for breakfast tomorrow!
My brother called – I had forgotten to invite him to the party because…well let me put it this way – no email = no invite. Actually I could have sent him a text message through his phone, but I forgot. But he’s coming into town next week to magnanimously drop off a birthday present. My mom also sent me fiddy bucks in the mail – thanks mum!
Everyone seemed to have a good time – James especially. I don’t know if he had had too much to drink or not enough but he was certainly more “on” than usual. And that’s pretty on! It was pretty loud and boisterous, especially when the little cat pins and faux-fur covered water bottles came up to the block. My old pal Tom from the island came over this morning to drop off two amazing Star Wars posters – he said they were the only ones his older brother saved for him, the others included Ghostbusters. It got thrown in the trash. Sorry to break your heart there, Stewie. Attendees made off with some super good deals – tons of H.P. Lovecraft & other Cthulhoid books for pennies a glass, and a swanky brand new suitcase, a vertical grill, amongst other cool and fantastic items. What did you get?
my word! more fun than a barrel of monkeys. i said that i would never make that much food again. i was LYING. i will do it again next year… for your birthday jamberoo. not only was the swag super-duper, but the peoples were too! fun. meta-fun. for under $5, i got the fargo vhs, a tom robbins book that i have been wanting to read, some pipecleaners, and some crepe paper. the only thing that i would change about your birthdoo party is that i would have upped the anti for those lovecraft books. i really wanted them. stupid anghold should have forked over a couple more dollars. P.S., i think that denzil was the rock star of the evening. did you see all the loot she got? holy smoly! anyway, alls i gots to say is – hapir birthdoo toren!!! camping with toren, it’ll be in tents.
and in some cases, even if you have an email you don’t get an invite. *sniff*
Sounds like people had a blast … thought I should give birthday wishes too, even though I’m new here.