We played our rock show at the Railway. Unfortunately there was a mix up as to what time we were starting – we had to start an hour early than I had been telling people – otherwise it was very good. We played some songs we haven’t played in a long time (Big Robot Dinosaur, Jimmy the Squid). The kids loved us. Somebody came up from Colorado to see us. There was moshing. We were asked to sign autographs. I sold several CDs. Yeah…it was a good show. Apart from the usual costuming shenanigans I wore 3-D glasses and a purple clown wig. We gave out Pez brand candy flavoured popcorn (grape, lemon, orange flavours) to people who answered trivia questions. Fun fun stuff. The stage was too small for 6 people. Several times we waded into the crowd with instruments and microphones. We may play again on Hallowe’en. I am very tired now. I go to sleep. Pray for me. Goodnight.