Secret Files from the World Wildlife Federation of Justice: The Incomparable Origin of Rhinosferatu

Here at last is page one of Rhinosferatu, as I presented it in a pamphlet of my comic book work at Comix & Stories this year at the Vancouver Art Gallery. The full story will appear in “”Historyonics: Stories Drawn from the Past” published by Cloudscape Comics in November.

Click on it for the big picture.



Rhinosferatu Roughs – Please Critique for Readability

If you comment on every single panel I’ll be happy. I’m having a few problems with this but the biggest is that for authenticity, since this is supposed to happen during the Third Crusade, the house and the furniture should be uh..Palestinian, or Holy Landish, or Jerusalemish, or Israeli…or whatever (history is my worst subject after sports), and I can’t find anything on google.


The Rhinosferatu Show

As soon as I got off work today I biked off to my studio and RX Comics. People from The Express on Shaw TV were coming to interview Jeff about the Cloudscape Comic Collective, of which I am part. We’re publishing a comic anthology, and that’s what the Rhinosferatu origin story is for. After the interview everyone went to The Grind where they continued to film us all working on our comics. I’m told that it airs Monday at 6pm, 8pm, 8:30pm, and 10:30pm, and it will probably be about a 2 minute segment.

Here’s some roughs:

and also some studies from the various comics I bought at Sunday’s Comicon.

Rhinosferatu – Dalton Style

Jonathon Dalton is the creator of Lords of Life and Death which I’m told Scott “Understand Comics” is a big fan of. He’s also working on the Cloudscape Collective anthology in which the terrible origin of Rhinosferatu will be revealed.

Jonathon’s site is
Thanks Jonathan, I love the stiped pants.