Here at last is page one of Rhinosferatu, as I presented it in a pamphlet of my comic book work at Comix & Stories this year at the Vancouver Art Gallery. The full story will appear in “”Historyonics: Stories Drawn from the Past” published by Cloudscape Comics in November.
Click on it for the big picture.

I was really, really into the old Disney Robin Hood movie–I had a picture book version that I read to pieces–so I am loving the Crusader guys. And the poor guys in fezzes. I guess I love all of it.
Huh -Isn’t that interesting. I never noticed the that before. Any similarities to Disney property is purely coincidental.
I love that sneaky bat. The tension kills me! What will happen?
Is the fleeing chicken laying an egg in fright?
Apparently I need practice drawing ROOSTERS!
I’d wondered what happened to those guys. I can’t believe that was TWO YEARS ago! Time is definitely speeding up…