
Here’s a colour study of G0-Rilla.


That was my initial colour idea. Light blue and white.

Here’s some alternates I just screwed around with:


Grey with red trim.


My favourite superhero colour combo – red and gold.


Two kinds of purple.

I have my favourites. Please offer your thoughts, and if you feel like screwing around in photoshop here’s a blank:


WWFJ – Another Pass

Alright so here’s the newest news from the WWFJ gaming supplement.

From the latest batch of ideas I’ve incorporated Shockatiel, Enormouse, The Impossum, Thundercroak, Supremu, Psibex, and a few maybes like Stalwarthog and Metalligator. Shockatiel and Enormouse got their own writeup while others were just mentioned in passing. I’ve got pretty much all of the character backgrounds done, with some amount of general setting info to write up and then do the stats and of course the art.

Here’s the newest brainstorm of characters, please feel free to comment and cajole:


Volcanary / Vulcanary (another potential member of Flock of Evil?)









The Spirit

The Spirit is playing at The Rio but I haven’t torn myself out of my home pants this holiday season as of yet with the exception of a Very Geisel Breakfast. Looks like a lot of fans of 300 and Sin City are disappointed in The Spirit – I wonder if that means I’ll like it? Anyone seen it yet?

Rate My Furry


As you may have heard I’m working on a project for a roleplaying game based on the World Wildlife Federation of Justice. I pretty much know who my ringers are for which characters I will include, but I wouldn’t mind getting some feedback before I finalize.

So the question is, who are your favourite WWFJ characters?

Click Here to take survey

It’s just one page (plus the intro) and just one question, really.
Preview the characters on my WWFJ & Their Foes blog entry

World Wildlife Federation of Justice Comic #2

So the next WWFJ comic will be only 1 page. It will be a sendup of those old Hostess Fruit Pie ads from the comics of yore. It is going to feature zombies and that nefarious of demonic ruminants, Elk Diablo. The only thing I am having trouble with deciding is who should be the hero. Here’s my short list:


Shaolin Monkey


Tasmanian Daredevil

also considering Invinci-Bull.



Oh, by the way, Wednesday is the last day of the Historyonics exhibit if you want to see some of my original comic book art hanging on a all (actually also in the window!). You can buy copies of the comic there but, uh, I have copies too and I actually make money when you buy them off me – so do so now and often! Don’t forget Hexmas is coming up in just a few short weeks.

Yes those are CTHULHUPALOOZA buttons!

Hellboy VS Rhinosferatu

As you read this, I am in Portland at the HPL Film Festival, where Mike Mignola is a guest. I really like Mignola’s art, and have since Cosmic Odyssey and Rocket Raccoon. I liked cool before it was cool to like cool. I set aside an evening to ignore my girlfriend and draw this picture, which I am going to give to Mike. Secretly I hope that he will draw a picture of Rhinosferatu for me, but I’ll be jazzed if he accepts the drawing regardless.

Rhinosferatu Complete.

Here are all of the pages to Secret Files from the World Wildlife Federation of Justice: The Ominous Origin of Rhinosferatu, including the newly uploaded Page 4. In print there will be titles and credits, but this comic is designed with no words.

Notes on page 4:
Panels 1-3: Another decision made from drawings defying comic panel conformity, but I think this comes across as three things happening virtually simultaneously. I had to look up photo references for splitting wood on google. I really like the hand grabbing the bat – it’s very Bruce Timm.
Panel 4: Look at all that flying pointy wooden debris. What could it mean?
Panel 6: This is the submitted version. I am on the fence about whether to keep that white blob in the middle of the panel or just have it 100% black. Vote!
Panels 7-9: I’m happy with how the dead bat turned out, even if this panel, like many of them, has shitty crosshatching which is something I’m trying to get away from. I’d like to gravitate toward the Steve Rude/Mike Mignola style of inking – flat blocks with tight, abrupt feathering where necessary. This last panel is one I struggled with a bit – this is supposed to be really the end frame. The stop. The period. Rest here. The end. So I tried to pull out a bit for a long shot that makes that sort of statement. Really the problem is pages 3 and 4 should have been stretched out to three pages not two.
Panel 10. The epilogue. I think that rabbit is hilarious. He’s such a prick!
THE END. Hope you enjoyed. Buy the “Historyonics” issue of CLOUDSCAPE COMICS – from me! – when it comes out.