Beware – the season of forest fires in BC is nigh. FIRE BAD… unless it’s portrayed in a movie for our entertainment. Here are my top 3 fire scenes in film AND the top 3 takeways from wildland firefighting training that my firefighter friend Allan wants you to know

#3 fire tip: Never ever EVER throw cigarettes from car windows.
#3 movie scene: A young girl with telekinetic powers loses it at the prom, and starts an electrical fire in Carrie (1976)

#2 fire tip: If you live in an area where evacuation is possible, keep an emergency evacuation kit in your vehicle.
#2 movie scene: after a few false starts, Kurt Russel deals with the titular monster in the Thing (1982) in the original “kill it with fire” moment.

#1 fire tip: When given an evacuation order, comply immediately.
#1 movie scene: John Goodman runs down a blazing hotel hallway shouting “I will show you the life of the mind!” in the Coen Brothers’ Barton Fink (1992)

Craving more pop culture on wildfires? Check out my podcast
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