WWFJ Characters Part of Pediatric Oncology Treasure Chest Foundation Charity Collectible Cards

I’m pleased to announce that I’ve committed my original World Wildlife Federation of Justice characters (10 of them) to this cool trading card project! It’s gonna be cool having my artwork in the same card set as Star Wars stuff.

I’ll post the artwork as it gets done!

The Chicagoland Entertainment Collectors Expo Presents the 10th Anniversary Expo Sept 9-12, 2010
Featuring the debut of a spectacular charity project:
The Treasure Chest of Art
Each chest is made of hard wood, and contains (50) pieces of Original Art done on special, commemorative trading cards celebrating our 6th year in hosting the Pediatric Oncology Treasure Chest Foundation.
Only 100 chests will be sold! Lucasfilms Star Wars approved!
Order yours today! Email Paul at cecexpo@gmail.com
Artists still needed for this wonderful project!