Baboom Mark II

V-Con Day One was today. The Artist Alley is “tucked away” from almost all the other things to do and see at the convention. To say that the artists are disappointed would be an understatement. Ironically I think I sold the most amount of stuff – 2 CDs, 2 books and some buttons. There were no line-ups at the Camille D’errico table, and that’s saying something. Hopefully things will be better tomorrow.

But the good news is I got some drawing in. Here’s the new draft of Baboom for World Wildlife Federation of Justice. The reason he’s orange is because that’s the only coloured pen I brought with me, although I do kind of like it.

click to embiggen
click to embiggen

You will notice he is missing his tail. Well I’m sure there’s a good reason for that.

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