WWFJ Update

So the Go-Rilla VS Elk Diablo one page comic is in the can and more importantly in the hands of the Cloudscape Comics editor.

Meanwhile on the Atomic Overmind front, I’ve been asked to provide a World Wildlife Federation of Justice logo, which I totally had not even thought of doing.

Enter facebook and a few people expressed interest in working up a design after I put out the call. My guidelines were that it should look at home both on the cover of the comic and as the official logo of the organization IN the comic, and that it should be wide and short (as opposed to thin and tall – another way of saying this would be ‘horizontal’) so that it can fit both on the top of a comic book and on a website.

Here were the three references I provided:


So, what came out of that? Stay tuned for the next exciting episode of WWFJ LOGO SAGA!