Another Nice Bit of Fan Mail
From Adam:
I work on a boat and I must mention that when I first boarded was when I first listened to Shadow Out of Tim, and you’ll be proud to learn that it gave me nightmares. Really f’ed up nightmares. Also, we often moored in Astoria, Oregon next to a U.S. Coast Guard cutter named the Steadfast… every week, my poorly whistled version of “Return to Melanesia” echoed across the decks. Seriously, you guys are badass!
M&M Graph
Do you think that the M&M people make up an equal amount of each colour and this bag selection is completely random…
…or do you think that the large amount of orange and blue and the small amount of yellow is the result of many focus groups and marketing decisions?
I should have arranged these candies in a pie chart shape.
Spam made better with Cthulhu
Letter Of Relationship and Establishment of aid
Dearest One,
Permit me to inform you of my desire to go into business relationship with you , l got your contact through the internet here in Abidjan and I prayed over it and selected your name among other names due to the nature of my proposal, which requires a reputable and trustworthy person. Some one who will be kind and sincere to me.
l am Miss Josette Berry, the only daughter of late Mr and Mrs Berry Kouassi, My father was into diamond and cocoa trade in Abidjan here, the economic capital of Ivory Coast, he was poisoned to death by his business associates on one of their business meeting. My mother died on the 20th January 1987 and my father took me so special because l am motherless.
Before the death of my father on 29th March 2008 in a private hospital here in Abidjan, he secretly called me at his bedside,when I sat down to listen to him, he started crying, why? (1) He complained that I am too young to be managing my life with no one to take care of me,(2)That I have not finished my university education as he planned for me, he revealed to me that he has a sum of US$6,350.000.(SIX MILLION THREE HUNDRED AND FIFT THOUSAND UNITED STATES DOLLARS) left in a security company here in Abidjan, that he used my name as the only daughter for his next of kin in deposit of the funds.
He also explained to me that it was because of this wealth that he was poisioned by his business associates , that l should seek for a CTHULHU fearing foreign partner in a country of my choice where l will transfer this money and use it for proper investment purpose, that I must finish my university education by the help of a business partner abroad, that he or she should help me obtain a resident permit in his or her country.
He also gave a standing instrution to the company that the deposit must be transferred outside this country. According to my father, the money was deposited as a family valuables to avoid attracting attention to the deposit.
Dearest One, I am now ready to do all these since my father my bread winner is no more. l am honourable seeking your assistance in the following ways.
(1) To serve as my guardian in your country while I will depend on your expert advise since l am a girl of 22 years.
(2) To make arrangement for me to come over to your country in order to further my university education and to secure a residential permit for me in your country.
Moreover, l am willing to offer you 20% of the total sum as compensation for your assistance in the transfer of this deposit to your country. Furthermore, you can indicate your option towards assisting me as l believed that this project would be concluded within four days you signify interest to assist me by contacting the security company.
Hoping to hear from you soon. May Cthulhu bless you as you extend your helping hand to an orphan.
Best wishes
CYÄEGHA Number 2 Winter 2008
It’s a very Toren Atkinson issue of CYÄEGHA this festival season.
CYÄEGHA Number 2 Winter 2008. A5 Chapbook. 44 Pages including covers. 75 Numbered copies [Red Cover] plus 5 lettered contributor copies [Blue(2), Pink(2) & Beige Covers].
Here’s a list of contents:
Front Cover: Toren Atkinson – ‘Rampage‘.
[Reprinted from The 1997 Cyber Cthulhu Calendar]
1. Contents.
2. Introduction.
3. Eddy C. Bertin – ‘The Creation of Eyurid’ (Essay).
5. Tais Teng – ‘Eyurid: A Lovecraftian Portfolio’ (Art Portfolio).
[Reprinted from Eyurid: A Lovecraftian Portfolio, Dunwich House 1980]
18. Tais Teng and Eddy C. Bertin – ‘Eyurid’ (Fiction).
[Reprinted from Eyurid: A Lovecraftian Portfolio, Dunwich House 1980]
26. An Interview with Toren Atkinson.
31. A Discography of The Darkest of the Hillside Thickets.
33. Zine Guide – The Pnakotic Series.
41. Wade German – ‘Surviving Cyäegha’ (Poem).
Other Artwork:Toren Atkinson (‘R’lyeh Calling’ and The Pnakotic Series Cover Illustration);
Tais Teng (‘Cthulhu’) [Reprinted from Eyurid: A Lovecraftian Portfolio, Dunwich House 1980]. Prices incl. P&P (in UK Pounds) : 4 (UK), 5 (Europe), 6 (ROW).
Anyone who is interested in purchasing a copy or in contributing to any future issues should contact the editor at for further information.
Threadless update
Frivolous Genie of Unlimited Wishes
Wish #1: I wish that anyone driving a vehicle who doesn’t use their turn signal will not actually be able to turn until they do so.
Cartoon de Jour of the Day ZZZ
Poopy Day
I’m typing this to you very slowly and painfully because I damaged my wrist on my bike this morning. On my way to work I took a corner too fast in the cold wet sludgy morning street and my wheels went out from under me. I landed on my elbow (bloody scrape), leg (holes in pants), and wrist (read on). It hurt a bit right when it happened but in my mind I thought “That’s gonna hurt come winter!” By late morning I couldn’t type and in the afternoon Trevor and I made a makeshift tenser bandage by cutting up an “oops” shirt. It seemed to make things worse so I took it off, took some drugs, and bought a small pack of frozen corn from Sunshine Market. Thereupon my wrist sat on and off for an hour or so.
When I wiped out my back brakes came unfastened somehow. The back brakes are used by my right hand, which is fine. My messed up hand was the only option for the front, working, brakes. Irony! It was manageable on the way to work but by the time I got off work that system would no longer work.
The bike shop closed at 6 and I got off work just after 5:30 which meant I had to semi-ride several blocks in the dark essentially with no brakes. Semi-ride means that I rode very slowly and used my feet as brakes a lot. Top that off with the fact that suddenly my bike light stopped working made for an annoying day.
But then it got worse!
Because my bike was in the shop I had to take transit, which made me get home late, and the dog peed on the rug because she couldn’t get outside in time.
And I accidentally set off the alarm.
And that’s my sob story.
World Wildlife Federation of Justice Comic #2
So the next WWFJ comic will be only 1 page. It will be a sendup of those old Hostess Fruit Pie ads from the comics of yore. It is going to feature zombies and that nefarious of demonic ruminants, Elk Diablo. The only thing I am having trouble with deciding is who should be the hero. Here’s my short list:
Shaolin Monkey
Tasmanian Daredevil
also considering Invinci-Bull.
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