Dear Blog Reader

Things I need to blog about but keep forgetting:

-my reviews at
-my trip to the aquarium, and membership to same, and stuff.
-“The Summoning” short film
-my trip to Boundary Bay
-my giant squid dream
-Happy Bats
-Outnumbered #6 cover

It’s my 38th birthday tomorrow. This year will mark the first year in some time that I won’t be having a birthday auction. I’ve moved twice since the last big auction. And everything I didn’t sell at the auction I just left at the place on 13th which was subsequently vandalized. In theory I could have another one at my new place and just auction off stuff that people brought, but if stuff doesn’t sell I don’t really want to start accumulating runoff at the new place since there is no space to store it.

Not instead of an auction, because it wasn’t planned for my birthday but just happened to fall on the long weekend, I’ll be spending my birthday at a place called Carol Lake near Lillooet, about 6 hours out of the city, with Deanna and a few other ladies. Evil bears will have to kill two dogs before they get to my juicy meat. (If we kept going another 2-3 hours we’d be at Green Lake where I spent much of my childhood, but maybe next summer.) And on Tuesday I’ll be having a proper celebration with just me and Deanna on what we are calling a “Toren Day.” Because Toren gets to drag Deanna around doing whatever whim strikes him, which will – happily for her – involve lounging around watching movies and eating ordered food.

I don’t expect anyone reading this who is not already planning on getting me a b-day prezzie will do so, but if the mood strikes you please don’t get me any toys – I have too much already and no space for them. Comics, DVDs, CDs are great. If you want to look at my amazon wish list just click here.