24 Hour Comic

Right about now is the start of Saturday Oct 20, which is the start of the annual 24 Hour Comics Day…

…an annual event where cartoonists around the world each try to create 24 pages of comics in 24 hours.

Last year, over 1200 cartoonists took part at events in 17 countries.
On October 20th, 2007, cartoonists around the world will face the 24 hour comics challenge. To help these cartoonists, some comic book stores, educational institutions, libraries, businesses, and comics clubs will host special 24 Hour Comics Day events. They’ll provide cartoonists with a space to work, access to food and drink, and camaraderie.

I really wish I had the time to participate! Stupid awesome rock band making me go to Chilliwack this weekend. If anyone who is interested in this CAN do so, Elfsar is hosting an event, as follows:

Elfsar Comics & Toys Annual Fundraiser begins Saturday morning at 10am – and you can still be a part!!

Participating in the global and international 24 Hour Comics Day for the fourth consecutive year, Elfsar is proud to go one step above giving creators the opportunity to flex their comic making muscles. Using their talent to give back to the community, the participants who will be at Elfsar
for 24 hours straight, each creating their own 24 page comic, will be in effect raising monies for Vancouver Food Bank.

All participants are reminded to bring their paper, sharpest pencils, finest inks and any of their favorite snacks. (Don’t worry we will be providing one good meal to get them through the full event) Spectators are welcome to come by ANYTIME as the store will be open for the entire 24 hours!

Donations for The Vancouver Food Bank will also be accepted throughout the event and anyone wishing to support our creators in other means can drop off anything from bottled water to snacks as well.

24 Hour Comics Day – the most challenging story making event in the world begins tomorrow at 10 am (doors open at 9) and ends Sunday at 10 am! The full details can be found on our website! Look forward to seeing you there!

From the store that’s more than just selling you comics and toys,

-Elfsar Comics

Open 7 Days a Week
1007 Hamilton St. (Open Late) Wed – Fri 10:30 – 9:00
Vancouver, BC Mon, Tues & Sat – 11:00 – 6:00
Canada V6B 5T4 Sundays – 12:00 – 6:00