Today I learned some Punjabi and Hindi from the nice young lady who sits catawampus to me. I like Hindi better than Punjabi so far because it just sounds cooler. Compoare soniye to khoubsurat. Clearly the latter is superior. Though Punjabi does have shaabaash! which sounds like it could be a Lovecraftian space god but does in fact mean “well done!” “Bohut garam hai” means, literally, “too hot is,” which describes the apartment. But that’s okay, because I have The Ink Spots to cool me down. Did you know that there is a street in Richmond called Vulcan Way? Thereat, everyone is a vegetarian and a pacifist.
Also, I have another million-dollar idea I’m giving away free on my blog. Well, it’s a million dollar idea to someone–someone who is a student looking for a thesis. The thesis is what impact cell phones accidentally dialing 911 is having on society. Because I’m sure it happens factors greater (what is the expression I’m looking for here?) than it has been before everyone and their e-cybopooch had a cell phone, and you gotta know that the emergency services coalition or whatever they’re called has, is, or will be changing the way they do things because of all the accidental calls. Will there be undue loss of life?
Is there air? You don’t know!
I’m not sure why there would be more accidental 911 calls via cellphone than via landline. Explain, please, if you could be so kind.
Instead of factors greater, how about an order or magnitude greater? (Which would mean 10 times more than before.)
Cell phones fit in pockets.
And yes, ‘orders of magnitude’ was what I was groping for.
Did you know that there is a street in Richmond called Vulcan Way? Thereat, everyone is a vegetarian and a pacifist.
Or are they all Roman gods of fire working as blacksmiths to create arms and armor for the GODSSSSS?
First Vulcan Way is mainly light Industrial, so I doubt the veggie/pacifist idea, warehouse workers tend to be bawling meat eaters!
As for the 911 issue, this has been a long standing problem as people hot key the number for emergencies and then it gets hit in the purse or pocket. The cell phone makers have now added features to make that much harder to do, so I suspect that will fade like 8 tracks…
I like “exponentially”. But that’s just me.