Jocks vs Nerds

Well up until now my resentment of hockey has been pretty passive. The sport hasn’t directly affected me except through noisy neighbors and traffic snarls. That all changed last night when our weekly Mutants & Masterminds was cancelled at the figurative last minute (more like the last couple hours but I didn’t find out until the last half hour) because our GM simply had to watch whatever game was happening. I had to call everyone to cancel but David wasn’t home so he showed up and we spent some quality time slagging Joe behind his back. Caleb was mentioning how nationalism comes into hockey, but I would take it further and say that it’s just another form of tribism that affects most if not all competitive sports. I just wish we could get over this. I just can’t get behind the “rah rah our location is better than your location because I’m in it” which makes the rivalry between Edmonton and Calgary seem…well I would say like desperate Siamese fighting fish defending their sparse aquariums, but that would be insulting to the fish. Now I know that all sports fans aren’t hooligans, but it certainly brings them to the fore. Chris mentioned the other day that he was watching as some Brazilians were driving down the street listening to Brazilian music and enjoying themselves, stopped at a light. Some British hooligan stopped, faced them, and yelled “you’re nothing!”

4 Replies to “Jocks vs Nerds”

  1. Understanding hockey fans is difficult but it is the same as understanding why Adults would play games like Mutants and Masterminds…..neither is right or wrong just different. I guess there is no accounting for personal tastes.

  2. I have never heard of RPGers getting into groups and hitting eachother in the face. But maybe they just don’t get paid enough.

  3. ” Toren Says:
    June 21st, 2006 at 12:55 am

    I have never heard of RPGers getting into groups and hitting eachother in the face. But maybe they just don’t get paid enough.”

    Never heard of LARP’s?? 🙂

  4. You should spend some time finding out about some of downright mean and despicable behaviour that goes down in the Camarilla.

    I don’t know why you so constantly equate sports fans with hooliganism. Did your friend Joe rush out to set a bus ablaze after Edmonton lost? Probably not.

    There are bad apples in any community.

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