Penguins is practically chickens…

I got two volumes of the Loonie Tunes Classic Collection on DVD for Christmas. One from Marlo, and the second from The Woods’ (exchanged from volume 3 of Home Movies which MarMar ALSO got me for hexmas!). They’re providing hours and hours of entertainment and I love them. The audio commentaries, most of which are provided by a cartoon historian, are very interesting. One thing that bugs me about them is that they each have four discs. The first is Bugs Bunny, the other may be something like Porky Pig & Daffy, Sylvester & Tweety, “all-stars,” or whatever. I get the feeling WB knows that if they released one dvd set with just Bugs Bunny and another one with just Wile E Coyote and the roadrunner they wouldn’t make as much money. It’s okay though, there are a few gems in with the boring Tweety Bird episodes. And they do slip in some Bugs Bunny and other good ones in with the “all stars.” Super fun!