Dr Which

The second episode of Dr Who was indeed better than the first. There are still things that bother me though, i.e. they need a writing checker. Why are there giant fans? Why didn’t the plastic people use their sticky powers all the time, since it was obviously their most effective power (after what I assume were plastic bullets coming out of the mannequins)? Why did the little metal spider greeblie go back to its master just because the Doctor told it to? Was it that poorly programmed?

Stuff like that. Does anyone know why the actor isn’t coming back for a second season?

Oh and I saw the last episode of Babblebar Balabiba last night at Marlo’s. From all the hype I was expecting more but it was still good.

9 Replies to “Dr Which”

  1. I heard the actor that plays Dr. Who is not coming back because he is afraid of being typecast. Besides, isn’t it traditional that a bazillion actors get to play the Doctor?

  2. or this: “Eccleston – whose last appearance is expected to be in a Christmas special – said he was also planning new projects and that he found filming the series gruelling.”

  3. It’s since come out that he only wanted to be The Doctor for one season right from the beginning, but the BBC had agreed not to reveal that information, so instead said he didn’t want to be typecast and found the shooting scheduling gruelling. They later revealed the truth after Eccleston complained about their story.

  4. It’s since come out that he only wanted to be The Doctor for one season right from the beginning, but the BBC had agreed not to reveal that information, so instead said he didn’t want to be typecast and found the shooting scheduling gruelling. They later revealed the truth after Eccleston complained about their story.

  5. They said why there were bit fans — it was “nice and old-fashioned. Bet they call it retro.”

    The Doctor reprogrammed the spider to go to its master. That’s why he was tinkering with it before he put it down. I guess it could’ve used an explanation but that’s what I figured out.

    The third episode is even better than the second.

    BTW Toren, get on ICQ so I can tell you about something you need.

  6. I though the third episode was at least as good as the second.

    The fourth episode was good but nowhere near as good as the previous two.

    I’m waiting for the sixth ep which has the return of the Daleks…

    And a guy called David Tennant has been confirmed as the new (tenth) Doctor. I’ve seen some of his stuff and he’s quite good. Hopefully he’ll have a contract for a few years at least.
    I’d hate to see a different Doctor every year, they only have a couple of regenerations left…

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