I’ve been drawing and painting (in watercolour) for the past 2 weeks for the new edition of the Warhammer Fantasy RPG. I only played WHFRP once or twice when I was a young man in Chilliwack, but I am certainly amazed how different the world of Warhammer is from the world(s) of D&D. Warhammer is a lot more gritty and detailed, and is based on Europe in the dark ages. One of the artist’s guidelines I got read “roll it in shit, dip it in muck.” That’s pretty cool and having pulled out my old edition of the game that Jamie gave me a couple years back and I never really opened, it makes me want to try it out. Maybe someone will run it at a game day or convention in the near future.
Speaking of conventions, The Thickets just got asked to play V-Con, but the H.P. Lovecraft Film Festival is (as usual) the same weekend (Oct 7-9). So I’m trying to sort that out.
This week I also got my contributor copies for some really awesome D&D books – the Black Company Campaign Setting based on the series of novels by Glen Cook, the Advanced Bestiary which is a book full of templates that you can apply to other monsters to make new, weird, scary monsters that your players will never have experienced before, and Egyptian Adventures: Hamunaptra which is a pretty cool setting boxed set that is getting some good reviews. Actually all of those books got good reviews and I will probably use bits from each of them in current or upcoming campaigns.
Speaking of upcoming campaigns, I had the second session of character generation for my “Venger” animated D&D campaign. Let me tell you about the characters, may I?
Marlo’s character doesn’t have a name yet (come on, Mar-Mar!) but she is a Chinese-Canadian hippie with a younger brother. She’s got a pet ferret she takes with her everywhere and in the realm of Dungeons and Dragons she becomes a druid with a magic staff.
Graeme’s character, Jesse, is an all-around popular jock whose deadly desire is to be the most popular – a hero to be loved and worshipped by all. He’s also phobic of bees and is allergic to their venom. In the realm he’s a rogue with magic bolas.
Geoff’s character, Joshua, is a bit of a hick who takes a long bus ride from the farm to get to school. One time he got kicked by Helga the cow and his broken leg didn’t heal properly, leaving him with a limp. Josh’s deadly desire is to be a great dancer, which he knows is impossible because of his limp. In the realm, he becomes a ranger with a magic whip-dagger.
Chris’ character, Sam is a Max Fischer-like extracurricular drama nerd who founded the archery club. Despite being weaker and younger than his sister (Marlo’s character), he’s very protective of her. In the realm he becomes a bard with a magic lute.
Norm’s character, Billy, is the youngest of the group. He’s got a chip on his shoulder and he likes to be called “Radimus.” In the realm he becomes a barbarian with a magic greatsword.
David’s character – no name or background yet. He becomes a sorcerer with a magic amulet.
Yes, tell ’em about my character, that’s cool.
The ferret’s name is Krishna. The PC’s name is undisclosed (I’ll tell Chris Gisel what it is, and maybe the DM, once I think of what it is), but she wants everyone to call her Star.
Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay is still available?
Is this a brand new edition or the last edition Games Workshop produced before they stopped printing it?
I’ll have to be getting myself a piece of this action.