It's getting colder out – and I'm happy

I feel bad about missing the video game movie party, but my date went late and by 8:30 I didn’t feel like taking transit (nor did I want to spend the two bucks after eating out all day) – we walked back from downtown over the bridge. Some interesting things happened on that bridge – there was a pile of AA batteries, two of which I grabbed and they seem to work fine. Also, there was a paper bag full of pears, and once we passed that we found intermittent half eaten pears on the sidewalk, three in total over a distance of about a quarter of the bridge length, which we proceeded to kick off onto the tops of buildings on Granville Island. The splats were very satisfying.

Andria and I met at the library in the early afternoon and then we circuitously walked down to Canada Place and the cruise ships. We discussed the many different ways we could sneak on to the ship for a free cruise. One of the ships had guys with coveralls with logos on them, but the other ship’s stewards just had flourescent vests and hats that looked like they came from Value Village. That seemed to be our in. While we were watching the guest go through their lifejacket drill, somebody started waving to us. It was Angie’s (Chris [Woods’] wife) mom. That was a weird coincidence. We had a short hollering conversation in which I found out she’s on a 1 week cruise to Alaska. Then she told me I should call Chris and Angie. I don’t know though…it might be a trap.

Now I’m going to use that bus money I saved to do some laundry. Wish me luck.

5 Replies to “It's getting colder out – and I'm happy”

  1. maybe she got kidnapped and wants you to call them so that they can save her. just puttin’ it out there.

  2. thumbs up!

    That reminds me that I need to invite Chris and Angie to my Mirthday Party. In fact I need to start planning shit for my Girthday in general.

  3. It’s funny that “my date” can refer to both the person you’re with, and the activities you’re sharing with them.

    Up with birthdays!

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