No, the band is not breaking up. BUT – the lead singer IS moving… and that’s me!
Offers can be sent by clicking here:

Here we see the red space suit used during the Spaceship Zero tour and elsewhere. Made of space-age materials and surprisingly breathable! $100 OBO

“Chain Dragger” – a classic that has gone through many iterations. The light helmet still works! The gun makes 8 different noises which was primarily used for the instrumental breaks in “Rock Lords”. Worn by Toren at PAX in 2008 and many other shows all the way back to the 90s. $100 or best offer

Satyr Pants! Worn by Warren AND Toren, including at our show at PAX in 2008. $50

Complete set of Thickets-branded Jones Soda beverages produced as promotional prizes for Cthulhupalooza in 2008. Stainage on one or two of them. $35 obo

The Great Giant Pacific Octopus! SOLD

Staff of Eldritch Power +1 … SOLD

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