“The Morning After Fill”
“Morning Quickness”
“Wake Up & Eat”
“Sunny Side Up Cafe”
“Cereal Killers”
La Bonita
The Over Easy
Sunnyside Boots (cook-speak for sunnyside eggs to go)
The Hush Puppy
Makin’ Bacon
The Awkward Morning After Coffee
The Katzenjammer (German for hangover, among other things)…
Angie O’Plasty’s Breakfast Creamporium
Donut Ho’s (Leeman “Don” Ho, proprietor)
In what context? Funny? Successful? Punny?
“The Morning After Fill”
“Morning Quickness”
“Wake Up & Eat”
“Sunny Side Up Cafe”
“Cereal Killers”
La Bonita
The Over Easy
Sunnyside Boots (cook-speak for sunnyside eggs to go)
The Hush Puppy
Makin’ Bacon
The Awkward Morning After Coffee
The Katzenjammer (German for hangover, among other things)…
Angie O’Plasty’s Breakfast Creamporium
Donut Ho’s (Leeman “Don” Ho, proprietor)
What did you go with?