Adam Might Come to our Seattle Funhouse Show on the 13th

Adam came down with us (but separate) to work his photographical magic at PAX. Here are just a few of the wonders he created:

Photo Copyright Adam PW Smith –

Mario and Warren
Mario and Warren
This is soundcheck. They pulled out all the chairs as the 8000 or so crowd was standing room only.
This is soundcheck. They pulled out all the chairs as the 8000 or so crowd was standing room only.
My newly enhanced costume - some of the lights came off during and after the performance, so I'll need to refurbish for the show at The Funhouse and the H.P. Lovecraft Film Festival.
My newly enhanced costume - some of the lights came off during and after the performance, so I'll need to refurbish for the show at The Funhouse and the H.P. Lovecraft Film Festival.

The jumpy bit of Colour Me Green.
The jumpy bit of Colour Me Green.

One Reply to “Adam Might Come to our Seattle Funhouse Show on the 13th”

  1. Brilliant stuff, really captures the energy and excitement. Now that you’ve moved to stadium rock, how will you ever return to the small club scene?!

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