Talking points for Canadians speaking to their MPs about the Canadian DMCA

Boing-Boing via Tony Marsh brought this to my attention:

Talking points for Canadians speaking to their MPs about the Canadian DMCA
Posted by Cory Doctorow, June 17, 2008 5:18 AM | permalink
Brendon sez, “With the tabling of Bill C-61 in the Canadian Parliament, there has been a lack of a concise set of ‘talking points’ that summarizes the ramifications of the bill in plain language. This document attempts to capture such a set of talking points for review by the copyfighter community at large. Keep in mind that this document must provide a rational argument against C-61, as a fact-based, non-emotional debate is key to our success in defeating C-61.”

This bill is bad for Canadians for a number of reasons:

1. It reduces your rights: Consumers will continue to be able to use copyrighted materials for research, private study, criticism, review or news reporting, but will no longer have the means to exercise those rights when the copyrighted materials are protected by DRM.

2. It reduces reduces the usefulness of your media: Consumers will no longer have the right to take commonly purchased physical media, such as DVDs, or downloaded DRM-protected files, such as digital music, and make copies for their personal use.

3. It forces you to buy media you’ve already purchased: Consumers will be unable to unlock media they’ve legally purchased in the past for use on new devices, and hence will be forced to buy the same content again and again.

4. It makes your devices less useful: Consumers will be able to do less, not more, with new devices they purchase, as many of these devices may, at any time, limit the user’s access to media they have a legal right to view, modify, or redistribute.

5. It reduces competition and innovation: Consumers will be unable to influence the market by finding new uses for their existing media and copyrighted materials, limiting the application of ingenuity that can lead to the creation of new applications and markets for Canadians and the world.

6. It makes public domain works inaccessible: Consumers will have the right to re-use works in the public domain, but in cases where those public domain works are protected by DRM, consumers will not have the means to exercise those rights and hence will lose access to their own heritage.