People Who Give People Free Stuff

I went to the old apartment a couple weeks ago to see if I could claim one piece of furniture that I thought I wouldn’t need, but I do. My key to the building worked fine, but the lock to my apartment had been changed. There were two tenants in the foyer having a conversation and I’m pretty sure they gave me a look when I went in and out. They probably heard (saw?) that my apartment was trashed and they probably thought it was my idea. Isn’t it ironic how I let the apartment unlocked so that the other tenants could take, gratis, whatever they thought useful out of it, and that it turns out someone took that opportunity to wreck the place and now I have, as the Japanese say, lost face. No good deed goes unpunished.

Except that Stewie gave me his Playstation 2 free and clear, as well as Guitar Hero + GH2. Today for no real reason I searched Craigslist for some of the games on IGN’s Top 25 PS2 Games of All Time (thanks Geisel) and picked up God of War and Ratchet & Clank: Going Commando. Silly me, I forgot that I didn’t have any controllers! So that’s next on the list. Once that happens I’ll have to find some multiplayer games and have some video game parties.

Also, Mr Chris Woods gave me a brand spanking new bike, which I have been enjoying for the past couple of days! It was purchased for his dad a couple years ago but sadly he’s not well enough to enjoy it, so it was bestowed to me. It’s got a little problem with the gears not settling quietly into place but everything else is spiffy, and the seat has a shock absorber on it which makes my somewhat temerarious riding style much more comfortable. LUCKY ME!

And it looks like this:


Also, cartoon fans, Rocket Robin Hood is being released on DVD in October! WOAH! Both seasons, complete sets! This, but no full set of The Real Ghostbusters, where’s the justice?

2 Replies to “People Who Give People Free Stuff”

  1. But you can get Josie and the Pussycats: The Complete Series instead! 🙂

    I might have a spare controller for the PS2, remind me tonight.

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