meltykiss green tea mini kitkats!

Earlier this month Joyous and I went to the Aberdeen mall again. We roamed through Daiso until closing time.

There are two candy stores pretty much right next to eachother. One of them is one of those places like T&T, where you can get something and have no idea what it is from the packaging. I most certainly did that. I also found Meltykiss which I’ve been looking for ever since Marlo brought some back from China for me (and Devon couldn’t find any to send through the mail). Meltykiss is a good name for it – the center varies (chocolate, fruity, green tea, for example) but it’s kind of like a Zero bar with better quality chocolate. And it’s got cocoa dusting on the outside. EXQUISITE!!! I bought a box of something I may never see again, but I hope I do: tiny individually wrapped KitKat bars, and instead of chocolate, Green Tea Meltykiss. Astounding. I wish I had taken a photo before I ate them all. I thought I saved the box and if I find it, I’ll scan it.

I also bought an octopus shaped stapler for $1.25 which has since broken in three places.

Sadly, the place where Joyce found the best chicken panang in town was closed. We hope not forever.

The Aberdeen Mall (it’s in Richmond) is a good way to spend a couple hours. DO IT.