Things to Do in Vancouver When You Are In September: Mark It, Dude

Sunday the 3rd – my Birthday Auction 3pm

Friday the 8th – Movie Marathon at Toren’s place (courtesy of Turner Classic Movies) 6:30pm – cartoons 8pm Harold & Maude 10pm Arsenic & Old Lace 12:15am The Ladykillers

Sunday the 10th—Vancouver Comicon at Heritage Hall 11am-5pm. $3. I’ll be there earlyish so I don’t miss the premiere of Caleb’s Call of Cthulhu campaign.

Saturday the 16th—Playland!

Tuesday the 19th—Vancouver Ukelele Circle plays at Our Town at 7:30 (I will probably be in Chilliwack that night writing my own music but if I’m not, I’ll be there)

Friday/Saturday 22-23–Campycon!

Sunday the 24th—Word on the Street: including more ukulele, Nardwuar the human serviette, all day comic contest, zines, bookmaking, webcomics (with my chum Ed Brisson who directed Graveyard, plus Jason Pultz and Jordan Neufeld ) several panels on how to get published in magazines, books, comics, the art of storytelling, and for you kitchen people, lots of cookbook authors. 

 Friday the 29th—The Darkest of the Hillside Thickets perform at The Vault in downtown Chilliwack 9pm. $5! (plus a trip to Chilliwack)

If we can get quorum we’ll probably do a Music Theory and a Voice Over Slackademics workshop. I bet Stephane & Sheri will have a Wednesday board game night. Plus I think there’s an agenda or two on my computer that I’ll consult and add to the list when I get home. If anyone knows of any interesting events, concerts, gatherings, I’d like to hear about them!