Here’s a couple of things I have lying around. If you are interested, please contact me!
Overwhelm to the point of dizzying highs the marine biologist in your family any time of year by giving the gift of interactive tentacles. Turning the light switch on and off opens and closes the beak of architeuthis dux: the giant squid! Pretend he’s eating your finger and digesting it through his donut-shaped brain – but be careful not to get the wrong kind of shock! Comes with installation screws. EXPLODED VIEW graphic novel: Science fiction comic anthology features lead singer of The Darkest of the Hillside Thickets, Toren Atkinson, and his rendition of the prequel to the sensational Spaceship Zero storyline as portrayed in the album and roleplaying game of the same name. Cover by Camilla d’Errico and additional material by, among others, Angela “Wasted Talent” Melick, John “Barack the Barbarian” Christmas, Edison “Scribblenauts” Yan, and Steve “Much the Miller’s Son” Lecouilliard.